Unlock possibilities with student-paced mode


When you present a Pear Deck, student screens automatically stay in sync with yours. But sometimes you may want students to move through slides at their own pace, like when you want them to take a quiz, do a small group activity, or complete a Pear Deck as homework. In those cases, you can toggle your presentation to student-paced mode from the menu on your navigation bar.

How to start student-paced mode

You can turn on student-paced mode in the middle of any session, at any time, without prior planning. 

  1. On the navigation bar, select the ellipsis button (...)
  2. Select Turn on Student-Paced 

When student-paced mode is active, students have a simple navigation bar at the bottom of their screen that they can use to move through all of your slides at their own pace.

Observe and manage student responses

While students are working at their own pace, you can still observe their work by opening your teacher dashboard. Navigate from slide to slide to see student responses. Since students are controlling their own pace, their slides won't sync to yours as you navigate. You can see exactly who is on each slide by hovering over the thumbnails. This will help you gauge how quickly students are moving through the material and see if anyone is getting hung up on a particular slide

As students answer, you can be preparing for the future discussion you’ll have about their responses. When you see an answer you want to discuss, go ahead and star it. Only the answers you’ve starred will show up when you select Show Responses. When you're ready for students to be back in sync with you, just select Stop Student-Paced. Their screens will instantly jump to the slide you're on.

Leave session in student-paced mode

Student-paced mode is perfect for assigning homework, flipping the class, and letting a student who missed class catch up with a lesson. Follow these steps to leave a session in student-paced mode.

  1. In an open session, select the menu on your navigation bar
  2. Edit the Session name so you can easily find it later
  3. Finally select Leave Session. This allows you to close your window, but students will still be able to join the session and complete the work

Manage a student-paced session

When you want to get back to a session that’s still live in student-paced mode, you can find it by going to your sessions menu. Here, you'll see the file that you were presenting. Select either the projector or dashboard icons to reopen the presentation or the ellipsis button (...) for more options.