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IIS ETW logs diagnostic

This article introduces the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) logs diagnostic collects various IIS-related logs.

Original product version:   Internet Information Services
Original KB number:   2697604


This IIS ETW logs diagnostic collects various related logs, event logs, and allows the user to capture an IIS ETW trace log. The following tables list collected information.

Operating system

Machine Name:
OS Name:
Last Reboot/Uptime:
User Account Control:

Computer system

Computer Model:
Machine Domain:

Event log files

Description File Name
Application Event Log {Computername}_evt_Application.evtx
System Event Log {Computername}_evt_System.evtx
Security Event Log {Computername}_evt_Security.evtx
IIS Configuration Administrative Event Log {Computername}_evt_IISConfiguration-Administrative.evtx
IIS Configuration Operational Event Log {Computername}_evt_IISConfiguration-Administrative.evtx

IIS log files

Description File Name
Http Error Logs {Computername}_HttpErrorLogs.zip
IIS Log Files {Computername}_IISLogs.zip
IIS/HTTP ETW Log {Computername}_IISEtwLogFiles.zip

Installation setup logs for IIS

Description File Name
IIS Setup Log {Computername}_IIS7.log
CBS Setup Log {Computername}_CBS.log

More information

If the user selects to collect an IIS/HTTP ETW log, the IIS ETW logs diagnostic will enable an IIS ETW Trace named IIS ETW SDP Trace. The diagnostic will automatically stop this trace when the user is clicks next while the trace is running. If the user clicks Cancel, they should stop the trace with the following command from an Administrative command prompt:

LogMan.exe stop "IIS ETW SDP Trace" -ets
