
Κοινή χρήση μέσω


The KSPROPSETID_SynthClock property set is used to get the master clock time for a DirectMusic synthesizer. This set contains a single property of a DirectMusic filter object. The DMus port driver implements the handler for this property.

For more information, see Master Clocks and Synthesizer Timing.

Property items in this set are specified by KSPROPERTY_SYNTHCLOCK enumeration values, as defined in header file Dmusprop.h.

Usage Summary Table

The KSPROPERTY_SYNTH_MASTERCLOCK property is used to get the master clock time.

Get Set Target Property descriptor type Property value type






The property value (operation data) is of type ULONGLONG and represents the master clock time. This time is specified in 100-nanosecond units.

Return Value

A KSPROPERTY_SYNTH_MASTERCLOCK property request returns STATUS_SUCCESS to indicate that it has completed successfully. Otherwise, the request returns an appropriate error status code.

For more information, see Master Clocks.