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The PROCESSOR_DRIVER_INTERNAL bug check has a value of 0x00000143. This indicates that the Processor Power Management (PPM) driver encountered a fatal error.


This article is for programmers. If you're a customer who has received a blue screen error code while using your computer, see Troubleshoot blue screen errors.


Parameter Description
1 1 - Power Engine Plugin(PEP) failed to accept a required notification
2 PEP runtime Notification type
3 Pointer to notification message
4 Pointer to processor device context (FDO_DATA) issuing the notification
Parameter Description
1 2 - Power Engine Plugin (PEP) returned invalid processor idle state

Type of invalid state

0x0 : PEP requested too many processors for coordinated idle state

Parameter 3 - Number of processors requested to participate in coordinated idle transitions Parameter 4 - Pointer to processor device context (FDO_DATA)

0x1 : PEP requested processor to be in an invalid idle state

Parameter 3 - Idle state index requested Parameter 4 - Pointer to processor device context (FDO_DATA) corresponding to the invalid idle state

0x2 : PEP requested the platform to be in an invalid idle state

Parameter 3 - Platform idle state index requested Parameter 4 - Pointer to processor device context (FDO_DATA) corresponding to the invalid idle state
3 Refer to parameter 2
4 Refer to parameter 2


The processor driver detected an irreconcilable condition which prompted it to bugcheck. This likely happens during the processor idle and perf-state change execution, which may involve other entities such has kernel, HAL and the Power Engine Plugin (PEP). Information from bugcheck will help identify which of the assumptions made by the processor driver in dealing with other entities was violated. The root cause may lie in other entities and a dump file may reveal more information to ascertain the reason for the bugcheck.