Group Policy API
Overview of the Group Policy API technology.
To develop Group Policy API, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
INSTALLSPECTYPE The INSTALLSPECTYPE enumeration values define the ways a group policy application can be specified to the InstallApplication function. The values are used in the Type member of INSTALLDATA. |
BrowseForGPO The BrowseForGPO function creates a GPO browser dialog box that allows the user to open or create a GPO. |
CreateGPOLink The CreateGPOLink function creates a link between the specified GPO and the specified site, domain, or organizational unit. |
Delete The Delete method deletes the GPO. |
DeleteAllGPOLinks The DeleteAllGPOLinks function deletes all GPO links for the specified site, domain, or organizational unit. |
DeleteGPOLink The DeleteGPOLink function deletes the link between the specified GPO and the specified site, domain, or organizational unit. |
EnterCriticalPolicySection The EnterCriticalPolicySection function pauses the application of policy to allow applications to safely read policy settings. |
ExportRSoPData The ExportRSoPData function exports a WMI namespace that contains RSoP information to a data file. The function writes the information to a data file that can be imported to a WMI namespace with a call to the ImportRSoPData function. |
FreeGPOListA The FreeGPOList function frees the specified list of GPOs. (ANSI) |
FreeGPOListW The FreeGPOList function frees the specified list of GPOs. (Unicode) |
GetAppliedGPOListA The GetAppliedGPOList function retrieves the list of GPOs applied for the specified user or computer. (ANSI) |
GetAppliedGPOListW The GetAppliedGPOList function retrieves the list of GPOs applied for the specified user or computer. (Unicode) |
GetDisplayName The GetDisplayName method retrieves the display name for the GPO. (IGPEInformation.GetDisplayName) |
GetDisplayName The GetDisplayName method retrieves the display name for the GPO. (IGroupPolicyObject.GetDisplayName) |
GetDSPath The GetDSPath method retrieves the Active Directory path for the specified section of the GPO. |
GetDSPath The GetDSPath method retrieves the Active Directory path to the root of the specified GPO section. |
GetEventLogEntryText The GetEventLogEntryText method returns the text for a specific entry in the event log. |
GetFileSysPath The GetFileSysPath method returns the file system path for the specified section of the GPO. The path is in UNC format. |
GetFileSysPath The GetFileSysPath method retrieves the file system path to the root of the specified GPO section. The path is in UNC format. |
GetFlags The GetFlags method retrieves information about the RSoP user interface session. |
GetGPOListA The GetGPOList function retrieves the list of GPOs for the specified user or computer. (ANSI) |
GetGPOListW The GetGPOList function retrieves the list of GPOs for the specified user or computer. (Unicode) |
GetHint The GetHint method retrieves the type of Active Directory object to which this GPO can be linked. |
GetLocalManagedApplications The GetLocalManagedApplications function can be run on the target computer to get a list of managed applications on that computer. |
GetMachineName The GetMachineName method retrieves the computer name of the remote GPO. This is the name specified by the OpenRemoteMachineGPO method. |
GetManagedApplicationCategories The GetManagedApplicationCategories function gets a list of application categories for a domain. The list is the same for all users in the domain. |
GetManagedApplications The GetManagedApplications function gets a list of applications that are displayed in the Add pane of Add/Remove Programs (ARP) for a specified user context. |
GetName The GetName method retrieves the unique name for the GPO. This value is usually a GUID. |
GetName The GetName method retrieves the unique GPO name. |
GetNamespace The GetNameSpace method retrieves the namespace from which the RSoP data is being displayed. |
GetOptions The GetOptions method retrieves the options the user has selected for the Group Policy Object Editor. |
GetOptions The GetOptions method retrieves the options for the GPO. |
GetPath The GetPath method retrieves the path to the GPO. |
GetPropertySheetPages The GetPropertySheetPages method retrieves the property sheet pages associated with the GPO. |
GetRegistryKey The GetRegistryKey method retrieves a handle to the root of the registry key for the specified section of the GPO. |
GetRegistryKey The GetRegistryKey method retrieves a handle to the root of the registry key for the specified GPO section. |
GetType The GetType method retrieves type information for the GPO being edited. (IGPEInformation.GetType) |
GetType The GetType method retrieves type information for the GPO being edited. (IGroupPolicyObject.GetType) |
ImportRSoPData The ImportRSoPData function imports a data file containing RSoP data to a WMI namespace. The file must be one generated by a call to the ExportRSoPData function. |
InstallApplication The InstallApplication function can install applications that have been deployed to target users that belong to a domain. |
LeaveCriticalPolicySection The LeaveCriticalPolicySection function resumes the background application of policy. This function closes the handle to the policy section. |
New The New method creates a new GPO in the Active Directory with the specified display name. The method opens the GPO using the OpenDSGPO method. |
OpenDSGPO The OpenDSGPO method opens the specified GPO and optionally loads the registry information. |
OpenLocalMachineGPO The OpenLocalMachineGPO method opens the default GPO for the computer and optionally loads the registry information. |
OpenRemoteMachineGPO The OpenRemoteMachineGPO method opens the default GPO for the specified remote computer and optionally loads the registry information. |
PFNGENERATEGROUPPOLICY The GenerateGroupPolicy callback function is an application-defined callback function that each policy extension must export when generating RSoP data in the planning mode. |
PFNPROCESSGROUPPOLICY The ProcessGroupPolicy function is an application-defined callback function used when applying policy. |
PFNPROCESSGROUPPOLICYEX The ProcessGroupPolicyEx function is an application-defined callback function used when applying policy. |
PFNSTATUSMESSAGECALLBACK The StatusMessageCallback function is an application-defined callback function used to display status messages when applying policy. |
PolicyChanged The PolicyChanged method informs the Group Policy Object Editor that policy settings have changed. |
ProcessGroupPolicyCompleted The ProcessGroupPolicyCompleted function notifies the system that the specified extension has finished applying policy. |
ProcessGroupPolicyCompletedEx The ProcessGroupPolicyCompletedEx function notifies the system that the specified policy extension has finished applying policy. The function also reports the status of Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) logging. |
RefreshPolicy The RefreshPolicy function causes policy to be applied immediately on the client computer. |
RefreshPolicyEx The RefreshPolicyEx function causes policy to be applied immediately on the computer. The extended function allows you to specify the type of policy refresh to apply. |
RegisterGPNotification The RegisterGPNotification function enables an application to receive notification when there is a change in policy. When a policy change occurs, the specified event object is set to the signaled state. |
RsopAccessCheckByType The RSoPAccessCheckByType function determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client identified by an RSOPTOKEN. |
RsopFileAccessCheck The RSoPFileAccessCheck function determines whether a file's security descriptor grants a specified set of file access rights to the client identified by an RSOPTOKEN. |
RsopResetPolicySettingStatus The RSoPResetPolicySettingStatus function unlinks the RSOP_PolicySettingStatus instance from its RSOP_PolicySetting instance. |
RsopSetPolicySettingStatus The RSoPSetPolicySettingStatus function creates an instance of RSOP_PolicySettingStatus and an instance of RSOP_PolicySettingLink. The function links (associates) RSOP_PolicySettingStatus to its RSOP_PolicySetting instance. |
Save The Save method saves the specified registry policy settings to disk and updates the revision number of the GPO. |
SetDisplayName The SetDisplayName method sets the display name for the GPO. |
SetOptions The SetOptions method sets the options for the GPO. |
UninstallApplication The UninstallApplication function uninstalls a group policy application that handles setup and installation using Windows Installer .msi files. |
UnregisterGPNotification The UnregisterGPNotification function unregisters the specified policy-notification handle from receiving policy change notifications. |
IGPEInformation The IGPEInformation interface provides methods for Microsoft Management Console (MMC) extension snap-ins to communicate with the Group Policy Object Editor. For more information about MMC, see the Microsoft Management Console. |
IGroupPolicyObject The IGroupPolicyObject interface provides methods to create and modify a GPO directly, without using the Group Policy Object Editor. |
IRSOPInformation The IRSOPInformation interface provides methods for Microsoft Management Console (MMC) extension snap-ins to communicate with the main Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) snap-in. For more information about MMC, see the Microsoft Management Console. |
GPOBROWSEINFO The GPOBROWSEINFO structure contains information that the BrowseForGPO function uses to initialize a GPO browser dialog box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system returns information about the user's actions in this structure. |
GROUP_POLICY_OBJECTA The GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT structure provides information about a GPO in a GPO list. (ANSI) |
GROUP_POLICY_OBJECTW The GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT structure provides information about a GPO in a GPO list. (Unicode) |
INSTALLDATA The INSTALLDATA structure specifies a group-policy application to be installed by InstallApplication. |
INSTALLSPEC The INSTALLSPEC structure specifies a group policy application by its user-friendly name and group policy GUID or by its file name extension. The Spec member of the INSTALLDATA structure provides this information to the InstallApplication function. |
LOCALMANAGEDAPPLICATION The LOCALMANAGEDAPPLICATION structure describes a managed application installed for a user or a computer. Returned by the GetLocalManagedApplications function. |
MANAGEDAPPLICATION The MANAGEDAPPLICATION structure contains information about an application. The function GetManagedApplications returns an array of MANAGEDAPPLICATION structures. |
POLICYSETTINGSTATUSINFO The POLICYSETTINGSTATUSINFO structure provides information about a policy-setting event. |
RSOP_TARGET The RSOP_TARGET structure contains computer and user information required by the GenerateGroupPolicy function. |