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IPersistSerializedPropStorage2 interface (propsys.h)

Exposes methods to persist serialized property storage data for later use and to restore persisted data to a new property store instance.


The IPersistSerializedPropStorage2 interface inherits from IPersistSerializedPropStorage. IPersistSerializedPropStorage2 also has these types of members:


The IPersistSerializedPropStorage2 interface has these methods.


Gets the serialized property storage buffer from the property store instance.

Gets the size of serialized property storage data from the property store instance.


This interface also provides the methods of the IPersistSerializedPropStorage interface, from which it inherits.

When to Implement

IPersistSerializedPropStorage2 is not intended for custom implementation. Use the system-provided implementation associated with the in-memory property store.

When to Use

The in-memory property store, created by calling PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore, provides an implementation of this interface. Use this implementation when you want to persist or restore serialized property storage data.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header propsys.h