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IStartMenuPinnedList::RemoveFromList method (shobjidl.h)

Windows Vista: Removes an item from the Start menu pinned list, which is the list in the upper left position of the Start menu.

Windows 7: Removes an item from the Start menu pinned list and unpins the item from the taskbar.

Windows 8: Unpins the item from the taskbar but does not remove the item from the Start screen. Items cannot be programmatically removed from Start; they can only be unpinned by the user or removed as part of a program's uninstallation.


HRESULT RemoveFromList(
  [in] IShellItem *pitem


[in] pitem

Type: IShellItem*

A pointer to an IShellItem object that represents the item to unpin.

Return value


  • Returns S_OK if the item was successfully removed from the list of pinned items and/or the taskbar.
  • Returns S_OK if the item was not pinned at all.
  • Returns a standard error code otherwise.


Because an application cannot know if any of its installed shortcuts have been pinned, this method should be called on any application shortcut being removed from the system. This includes shortcuts placed on the desktop during installation and those added to the Start menu's All Programs list.

It is recommended that all applications use this method to clean up their pinned items during their uninstallation process. Unpinning the application shortcut is not required, but it is strongly recommended for reliability.

This method does not remove the original shortcut represented by pitem. It removes its pinned representation from the Start menu and/or taskbar. Once an item has been removed (unpinned) through this method, then the application can delete the original shortcut.

If an item is pinned to both the Start menu and the taskbar, one call to this method removes it from both locations.

Note  If your application is using the Windows Installer (MSI) framework to perform the uninstallation, you do not need to call this method explicitly; MSI will make the call to unpin the shortcuts for you.


This example demonstrates the use of IStartMenuPinnedList::RemoveFromList.


if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    IShellItem *pitem;
    hr = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(TEXT("Path to the shortcut"), 

    // Do setup work here to remove the link, including the unpinning
    // of the item.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        IStartMenuPinnedList *pStartMenuPinnedList;
        hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StartMenuPin, 
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = pStartMenuPinnedList->RemoveFromList(pitem);



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header shobjidl.h
DLL Shell32.dll