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IWizardExtension::AddPages method (shobjidl.h)

Adds extension pages to the wizard by filling an array with handles to PROPSHEETPAGE structures representing those pages.


  [out] HPROPSHEETPAGE *aPages,
  [in]  UINT           cPages,
  [out] UINT           *pnPagesAdded


[out] aPages


A pointer to an array of PROPSHEETPAGE handles that represent the wizard dialog pages. Handles to PROPSHEETPAGE structures for the extension pages are added to this array.

[in] cPages

Type: UINT

The count of elements in aPages.

[out] pnPagesAdded

Type: UINT*

The count of handles successfully added.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The array of handles pointed to by aPages can contain handles to wizard dialog pages preceding and following the extension pages. The array's pointer should be passed to this method so that its value is the first empty array element, ready to accept the handle of the first extension page, rather than simply the first element. Collaterally, the value passed in cPages should state the number of unused array elements instead of the total number.

For example, if two introductory host pages were added to an array called hpages, then the call to IWizardExtension::AddPages would appear as follows.

#define ARRAYSIZE(a)    (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
g_iwe->AddPages(&hpages[2], ARRAYSIZE(hpages)-2, &nPages);

Do not confuse wizard pages, which are PROPSHEETPAGE structures, with hosted HTML pages. One wizard dialog page can host many sequential HTML pages. This method supplies the number of wizard dialog pages added by the wizard extension, not the number of server-side HTML pages which are displayed in it.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header shobjidl.h
DLL Shell32.dll