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The COMREPL Replication Utility

COMREPL is a utility that will replicate the COM+ catalog from a given source computer to one or more target computers. Think of the source computer representing a "master configuration." COMREPL is used to replicate this master configuration to maintain a set of identically configured computers.

The unit of replication is the entire COM+ configuration on the master computer. All COM+ applications on the master are replicated to the target computers; it's all or nothing. In addition, all COM+ applications previously installed on the target computers, with the exception of the COM+ preinstalled applications, will be deleted as part of the replication process.

COMREPL replicates only COM+ configuration data. This includes COM+ applications and COM+ specific computer settings. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) has a similar utility (IISSync), which makes use of COMREPL to replicate IIS and COM+ configuration.

For detailed information on launching and using COMREPL, see the following topics in this section:

Creating Installation Packages for COM+ Applications

Deploying Application Proxies

The COM+ Catalog