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Direct2D functions

Direct2D provides the following functions. Additional functions are defined in the D2D1 Namespace.

In this section

Topic Description
D2D1ComputeMaximumScaleFactor Computes the maximum factor by which a given transform can stretch any vector.
D2D1CreateDevice Creates a new Direct2D device associated with the provided DXGI device.
D2D1CreateDeviceContext Creates a new Direct2D device context associated with a DXGI surface.
D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE,REFIID,void**) Creates a factory object that can be used to create Direct2D resources.
D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE,REFIID,D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS*,void**) Creates a factory object that can be used to create Direct2D resources.
D2D1GetGradientMeshInteriorPointsFromCoonsPatch Returns the interior points for a gradient mesh patch based on the points defining a Coons patch.
D2D1InvertMatrix Tries to invert the specified matrix.
D2D1IsMatrixInvertible Indicates whether the specified matrix is invertible.
D2D1MakeRotateMatrix Creates a rotation transformation that rotates by the specified angle about the specified point.
D2D1MakeSkewMatrix Creates a skew transformation that has the specified x-axis angle, y-axis angle, and center point.
operator* (const D2D1\MATRIX\3X2\F&,const D2D1\MATRIX\3X2\F&) Multiplies two matrices and returns the result.
BlobGetter Calls a member-function property getter callback for a blob-type property.
BlobSetter Calls a member-function property setter callback for a blob-type property.
DeducingBlobGetter Deduces the class and arguments and then calls a member-function property getter callback for a blob-type property.
DeducingBlobSetter Deduces the class and arguments and then calls a member-function property setter callback for a blob-type property.
DeducingStringGetter Deduces the class and arguments and then calls a member-function property getter callback for a string-type property.
DeducingStringSetter Deduces the class and arguments and then calls a member-function property setter callback for a string-type property.
DeducingValueGetter Deduces the class and arguments and then calls a member-function property getter callback for a value-type property.
DeducingValueSetter Deduces the class and arguments and then calls a member-function property setter callback for a value-type property.
GetType Retrieves the type of the given property.
StringGetter Calls a member-function property getter callback for a string-type property.
StringSetter Calls a member-function property setter callback for a string-type property.
ValueGetter Calls a member-function property setter callback for a value-type property.
ValueSetter Calls a member-function property setter callback for a value-type property.
D2D1ConvertColorSpace Converts the given color from one colorspace to another.
D2D1SinCos Returns the sine and cosine of an angle.
D2D1Tan Returns the tangent of an angle.
D2D1Vec3Length Returns the length of a 3 dimensional vector.
PD2D1\PROPERTY\GET\FUNCTION Gets a property from an effect.
PD2D1\PROPERTY\SET\FUNCTION Sets a property on an effect.