
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

DirectXMath Library constants

The following constants are provided by the DirectXMath Library.

Constant Description
The version of the DirectXMath Library. The initial preview release was 300, the Windows 8 final version is 303, the Windows 8.1 version is 305. XNA Math's versions were 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, and so on. This is defined as a preprocessor symbol.
An optimal representation of π.
An optimal representation of 2*π.
An optimal representation of 1/π.
An optimal representation of 1/2π.
An optimal representation of π/2.
An optimal representation of π/4.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the X component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the Y component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the Z component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the W component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the X component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the Y component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the Z component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the W component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used to construct a control vector used with XMVectorSelect. Indicates that the component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorSelect is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to its index in the control vector.
For example, a control vector with XM_SELECT_0 as its second component copies the second component of the first vector to the second component of the result vector.
A constant used to construct a control vector used with XMVectorSelect. Indicates that the component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorSelect is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to its index in the control vector.
For example, a control vector with XM_SELECT_1 as its second component copies the second component of the second vector to the second component of the result vector.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorSwizzle. This indicates that the X component of the vector argument to XMVectorSwizzle is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorSwizzle. This indicates that the Y component of the vector argument to XMVectorSwizzle is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorSwizzle. This indicates that the Z component of the vector argument to XMVectorSwizzle is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorSwizzle. This indicates that the W component of the vector argument to XMVectorSwizzle is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element.
Mask to get a comparison result, which is typically retrieved using a recording version of an DirectXMath function such XMVector4EqualR. The following example gets the comparison result from the variable CR:
uint32_t val = ((CR) & XM_CRMASK_CR6);

Mask to get a comparison result, and verify if it is a logical true. The value is typically retrieved using a recording version of a DirectXMath function such as XMVector4EqualR. The example checks if the variableq CR is true:
bool val = (((CR) & XM_CRMASK_CR6TRUE) == XM_CRMASK_CR6TRUE);
See also XMComparisonAnyTrue, XMComparisonAllTrue, and XMComparisonMixed
Mask to get a comparison result, and verify if it is a logical false. The value is typically retrieved using a recording version of an DirectXMath math function such as XMVector4EqualR. The example checks if the variable CR is false:
See also XMComparisonAnyFalse, XMComparisonAllFalse and XMComparisonMixed
Mask to get a comparison result, and verify if the result indicates that some of the inputs were out of bounds. The value is typically retrieved using a recording version of a DirectXMath function such as XMVector4EqualR. The example checks if the variable CR indicates and out of bounds state.
See also XMComparisonAllInBounds and XMComparisonAnyOutOfBounds
Colors::AliceBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::AntiqueWhite Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Aqua Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Aquamarine Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Azure Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Beige Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Bisque Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Black Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::BlanchedAlmond Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Blue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::BlueViolet Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Brown Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::BurlyWood Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::CadetBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Chartreuse Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Chocolate Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Coral Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::CornflowerBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Cornsilk Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Crimson Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Cyan Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkCyan Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkGoldenrod Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkGray Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkKhaki Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkMagenta Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkOliveGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkOrange Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkOrchid Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkRed Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkSalmon Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkSeaGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkSlateBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkSlateGray Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkTurquoise Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DarkViolet Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DeepPink Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DeepSkyBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DimGray Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::DodgerBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Firebrick Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::FloralWhite Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::ForestGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Fuchsia Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Gainsboro Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::GhostWhite Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Gold Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Goldenrod Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Gray Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Green Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::GreenYellow Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Honeydew Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::HotPink Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::IndianRed Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Indigo Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Ivory Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Khaki Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Lavender Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LavenderBlush Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LawnGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LemonChiffon Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightCoral Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightCyan Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightGoldenrodYellow Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightGray Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightPink Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightSalmon Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightSeaGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightSkyBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightSlateGray Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightSteelBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LightYellow Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Lime Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::LimeGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Linen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Magenta Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Maroon Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MediumAquamarine Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MediumBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MediumOrchid Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MediumPurple Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MediumSeaGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MediumSlateBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MediumSpringGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MediumTurquoise Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MediumVioletRed Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MidnightBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MintCream Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::MistyRose Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Moccasin Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::NavajoWhite Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Navy Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::OldLace Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Olive Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::OliveDrab Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Orange Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::OrangeRed Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Orchid Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::PaleGoldenrod Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::PaleGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::PaleTurquoise Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::PaleVioletRed Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::PapayaWhip Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::PeachPuff Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Peru Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Pink Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Plum Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::PowderBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Purple Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Red Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::RosyBrown Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::RoyalBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::SaddleBrown Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Salmon Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::SandyBrown Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::SeaGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::SeaShell Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Sienna Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Silver Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::SkyBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::SlateBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::SlateGray Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Snow Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::SpringGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::SteelBlue Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Tan Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Teal Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Thistle Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Tomato Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Transparent Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Turquoise Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Violet Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Wheat Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::White Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::WhiteSmoke Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::Yellow Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.
Colors::YellowGreen Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method.



All the Colors constants are defined in the standard sRGB color space (as are .NET colors and HTML web-safe colors). For gamma-correct rendering using linear color space, the values need to be adjusted slightly.


DirectXMath Programming Reference

DirectXMath Programming Reference