
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Custom Action Type 6

This custom action is written in VBScript. For more information, see Scripts.


The script is generated from a temporary binary stream. The Source field of the CustomAction table contains a key to the Binary table. The Data column in the Binary table contains the stream data. A separate stream is allocated for each row.

New binary data can be inserted from a file by using MsiRecordSetStream followed by MsiViewModify to insert the record into the table. When the custom action is invoked, the stream data is copied to a temporary file, which is then processed depending upon the type of custom action.

Type Value

Include the following value in the Type column of the CustomAction table to specify the basic numeric type of a 32-bit custom action.

Constants Hexadecimal Decimal
msidbCustomActionTypeVBScript + msidbCustomActionTypeBinaryData 0x006 6


Windows Installer may use 64-bit custom actions on 64-bit operating systems. A 64-bit custom action based on scripts must include the msidbCustomActionType64BitScript bit in its numeric type. For information see 64-bit Custom Actions. Include the following value in the Type column of the CustomAction table to specify the basic numeric type of a 64-bit custom action.

Constants Hexadecimal Decimal
msidbCustomActionTypeVBScript + msidbCustomActionTypeBinaryData + msidbCustomActionType64BitScript 0x0001006 4102



The Target field of the CustomAction table contains an optional script function. Processing first sends the script for parsing and then calls the optional script function.

Return Processing Options

Include optional flag bits in the Type column of the CustomAction table to specify return processing options. For a description of the options and the values, see Custom Action Return Processing Options.

Execution Scheduling Options

Include optional flag bits in the Type column of the CustomAction table to specify execution scheduling options. These options control the multiple execution of custom actions. For a description of the options, see Custom Action Execution Scheduling Options.

In-Script Execution Options

Include optional flag bits in the Type column of the CustomAction table to specify an in-script execution option. These options copy the action code into the execution, rollback, or commit script. For a description of the options, see Custom Action In-Script Execution Options.

Return Values

Optional functions written in script must return one of the values described in Return Values of JScript and VBScript Custom Actions.


A custom action that is written in JScript or VBScript requires the installation of the Session Object. The installer attaches the Session object to the script with the name Session. Because the Session object may not exist during an installation rollback, a deferred custom action written in script must use one of the methods or properties of the Session object described in the section Obtaining Context Information for Deferred Execution Custom Actions to retrieve its context.

When a database table is exported, each stream is written as a separate file in the subfolder named after the table, using the primary key as the file name (Name column for the Binary table), with a default extension of ".ibd". The name should use the 8.3 file name format if the file system or version control system does not support long file names. The persistent archive file replaces the stream data with the file name used, so that the data can be located when the table is imported.
