WIC constants, enumerations, and flags
This section contains information about the Windows Imaging Component (WIC) constants, enumerations, and flags.
In this section
Topic | Description |
WIC GUIDs and CLSIDs | |
Codec Error Codes | |
Native Pixel Formats | This topic introduces the pixel formats provided by the WIC |
Native WIC Codecs | This section contains information about the native imaging codecs available in WIC. |
IWICDevelopRawNotificationCallback Constants | Flags used to by IWICDevelopRawNotificationCallback to indicate which members have changed. |
IWICJpegFrameDecode Constants | Flags used by the WICJpegScanHeader and WICJpegFrameHeader. |
WIC8BIMIptcDigestProperties | Specifies the identifiers of the metadata items in an 8BIM IPTC digest metadata block. |
WIC8BIMIptcProperties | Specifies the identifiers of the metadata items in an 8BIM IPTC block. |
WIC8BIMResolutionInfoProperties | Specifies the identifiers of the metadata items in an 8BIMResolutionInfo block. |
WICBitmapAlphaChannelOption | Specifies the desired alpha channel usage. |
WICBitmapCreateCacheOption | Specifies the desired cache usage. |
WICBitmapDecoderCapabilities | Specifies the capabilities of the decoder. |
WICBitmapDitherType | Specifies the type of dither algorithm to apply when converting between image formats. |
WICBitmapEncoderCacheOption | Specifies the cache options available for an encoder. |
WICBitmapInterpolationMode | Specifies the sampling or filtering mode to use when scaling an image. |
WICBitmapLockFlags | Specifies access to an IWICBitmap. |
WICBitmapPaletteType | Specifies the type of palette used for an indexed image format. |
WICBitmapTransformOptions | Specifies the flip and rotation transforms. |
WICColorContextType | Specifies the color context types. |
WICComponentEnumerateOptions | Specifies component enumeration options. |
WICComponentSigning | Specifies the component signing status. |
WICComponentType | Specifies the type of WIC component. |
WICDecodeOptions | Specifies decode options. |
WICDdsDimension | Specifies the dimension type of the data contained in DDS image. |
WICDdsAlphaMode | Specifies the meaning of pixel color component values contained in the DDS image. |
WICGifApplicationExtensionProperties | Specifies the application extension metadata properties for a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image. |
WICGifCommentExtensionProperties | Specifies the comment extension metadata properties for a GIF image. |
WICGifGraphicControlExtensionProperties | Specifies the graphic control extension metadata properties that define the transitions between each frame animation for GIF images. |
WICGifImageDescriptorProperties | Specifies the image descriptor metadata properties for GIF frames. |
WICGifLogicalScreenDescriptorProperties | Specifies the logical screen descriptor properties for GIF metadata. |
WICHeifCompressionOption | Defines constants that specify High Efficiency Image Format (HEIF) compression options. Allows you to choose which compression format to use when creating a HEIF image file. |
WICJpegCommentProperties | Specifies the JPEG comment properties. |
WICJpegChrominanceProperties | Specifies the JPEG chrominance table property. |
WICJpegIndexingOptions | Specifies the options for indexing a JPEG image. |
WICJpegLuminanceProperties | Specifies the JPEG luminance table property. |
WICJpegScanType | Specifies the memory layout of pixel data in a JPEG image scan. |
WICJpegTransferMatrix | Specifies conversion matrix from Y'Cb'Cr' to R'G'B'. |
WICJpegYCrCbSubsamplingOption | Specifies the JPEG YCrCB subsampling options. |
WICMetadataCreationOptions | Specifies metadata creation options. |
WICNamedWhitePoint | Specifies named white balances for raw images. |
WICPersistOptions | Specifies WIC options that are used when initializing a component with a stream. |
WICPixelFormatNumericRepresentation | |
WICPlanarOptions | Specifies additional options to an IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform implementation. |
WICProgressOperation | Specifies the progress operations to receive notifications for. |
WICPngBkgdProperties | Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) background (bKGD) chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngChrmProperties | Specifies the PNG cHRM chunk metadata properties for CIE XYZ chromaticity. |
WICPngFilterOption | Specifies the PNG filters available for compression optimization. |
WICPngGamaProperties | Specifies the PNG gAMA chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngHistProperties | Specifies the PNG hIST chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngIccpProperties | Specifies the PNG iCCP chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngItxtProperties | Specifies the PNG iTXT chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngSrgbProperties | Specifies the PNG sRGB chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngTimeProperties | Specifies the PNG tIME chunk metadata properties. |
WICProgressNotification | Specifies when the progress notification callback should be called. |
WICRawCapabilities | Specifies the capability support of a raw image. |
WICRawParameterSet | Specifies the parameter set used by a raw codec. |
WICRawRenderMode | Specifies the render intent of the next CopyPixels call. |
WICRawRotationCapabilities | Specifies the rotation capabilities of the codec. |
WICSectionAccessLevel | Specifies the access level of a Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) section. |
WICTiffCompressionOption | Specifies the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) compression options. |