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Making an Asynchronous Call with C++

WMI applications written in C++ can make asynchronous calls by using many of the methods of the IWbemServices COM interface. However, the recommended procedure for calling a WMI method or a provider method is by using semisynchronous calls because semisynchronous calls are more secure than asynchronous calls. For more information, see Making a Semisynchronous Call with C++ and Setting Security on an Asynchronous Call.

The following procedure describes how to make an asynchronous call by using the sink in your process.

To make an asynchronous call using C++

  1. Implement the IWbemObjectSink interface.

    All applications that make asynchronous calls must implement IWbemObjectSink. Temporary event consumers also implement IWbemObjectSink to receive notification of events.

  2. Log on to the target WMI namespace.

    Applications always have to call the COM function CoInitializeSecurity during the initialization phase. If they do not do so before making an asynchronous call, WMI releases the application sink without completing the asynchronous call. For more information, see Initializing COM for a WMI Application.

  3. Set the security for your sink.

    Asynchronous calls create a variety of security issues that you may have to deal with, for example, allowing WMI access to your application. For more information, see Setting Security on an Asynchronous Call.

  4. Make the asynchronous call.

    The method returns immediately with the WBEM_S_NO_ERROR success code. The application can proceed with other tasks while waiting for the operation to complete. WMI reports back to the application by calling methods in the IWbemObjectSink implementation of your application.

  5. If necessary, check your implementation periodically for updates.

    Applications can receive notification of intermediate status by setting the lFlags parameter in the asynchronous call to WBEM_FLAG_SEND_STATUS. WMI reports the status of your call by setting the lFlags parameter of IWbemObjectSink to WBEM_STATUS_PROGRESS.

  6. If necessary, you can cancel the call before WMI finishes processing by calling the IWbemServices::CancelCallAsync method.

    The CancelAsyncCall method cancels asynchronous processing by immediately releasing the pointer to the IWbemObjectSink interface and guarantees that the pointer is released before CancelAsyncCall returns.

    If you are using a wrapper object implementing the IUnsecured interface to host IWbemObjectSink, you may find some additional complications. Because the application must pass the same pointer to CancelAsyncCall that was passed in the original asynchronous call, the application must hold on to the wrapper object until it becomes clear that cancellation is not required. For more information, see Setting Security on an Asynchronous Call.

  7. When finished, clean up pointers and shut down the application.

    WMI provides the final status call through the SetStatus method.


    After sending the final status update, WMI releases the object sink by calling the Release method for the class that implements the IWbemObjectSink interface. In the previous example, this is the QuerySink::Release method. If you want to have control over the lifetime of the sink object, you can implement the sink with an initial reference count of one (1).


    If a client application passes the same sink interface in two different overlapping asynchronous calls, WMI does not guarantee the order of the callback. A client application making overlapping asynchronous calls should either pass different sink objects or serialize the calls.

The following example requires the following reference and #include statements.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#pragma comment(lib, "wbemuuid.lib")
#include <wbemidl.h>

The following example describes how to make an asynchronous query using the ExecQueryAsync method, but does not create security settings or release the IWbemObjectSink object. For more information, see Setting Security on an Asynchronous Call.

// Set input parameters to ExecQueryAsync.
BSTR QueryLang = SysAllocString(L"WQL");
BSTR Query = SysAllocString(L"SELECT * FROM MyClass");

// Create IWbemObjectSink object and set pointer.
QuerySink *pSink = new QuerySink;

IWbemServices* pSvc = 0;

// Call ExecQueryAsync.
HRESULT hRes = pSvc->ExecQueryAsync(QueryLang, 

// Check for errors.
if (hRes)
    printf("ExecQueryAsync failed with = 0x%X\n", hRes);
    delete pSink;    
    return ERROR;


The code above does not compile without error because the QuerySink class has not been defined. For more information about QuerySink, see IWbemObjectSink.


Calling a Method