
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Registering the System Registry Provider

The System Registry provider is registered as part of the WMI installation process on Windows. If you are using another platform and want to use the System Registry provider, you must first register the provider yourself following the steps described below.

The following procedure describes how to register the System Registry provider.

To register the System Registry provider

  1. Register the provider as a COM server.

    If necessary, you may need to create registry entries. This process applies to all COM servers and is unrelated to WMI. For more information, see the COM documentation in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).

  2. Create an instance of the __Win32Provider class to describe the implementation of the System Registry provider.

    The __Win32Provider instance describes the name of the provider and its class identifier (CLSID).

    The following example describes how to register __Win32Provider as an instance property, event, or method provider.

    // Instance provider
    instance of __Win32Provider as $InstProv
        Name    = "RegProv" ;
        ClsId   = "{fe9af5c0-d3b6-11ce-a5b6-00aa00680c3f}" ;
    // Property provider 
    instance of __Win32Provider as $PropProv 
        Name = "RegPropProv"; 
        Clsid = "{72967901-68EC-11d0-B729-00AA0062CBB7}"; 
    // Event provider
    instance of __Win32Provider as $RegEvent
        Name = "RegistryEventProvider";
        Clsid = "{fa77a74e-e109-11d0-ad6e-00c04fd8fdff}";
    instance of __Win32Provider as $RegMethod
        Name = "RegistryMethodProvider";
        Clsid = "{44DE513E-60C2-11d3-AF33-00C04F79FEB1}";
  3. Create one or more instances of classes derived from the __ProviderRegistration class to describe the logical implementation of the System Registry provider.

    Depending on the purpose for which you are registering the System Registry provider, you can create one or more of the following classes.





    The following MOF code example describes how you can register the System Registry provider as an instance, property, event, or method provider.

    instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration
        Provider = $InstProv;
        SupportsPut = TRUE;
        SupportsGet = TRUE;
        SupportsDelete = FALSE;
        SupportsEnumeration = TRUE;
    instance of __PropertyProviderRegistration
        Provider = $PropProv;
        SupportsPut = TRUE;
        SupportsGet = TRUE;
    instance of __EventProviderRegistration
        Provider = $RegEvent;
        EventQueryList = {
                "select * from RegistryKeyChangeEvent",
                "select * from RegistryValueChangeEvent",
                "select * from RegistryTreeChangeEvent"};
    // Method provider
    instance of __MethodProviderRegistration
        Provider = $RegMethod;
  4. Compile the MOF file using the MOF compiler or the IMofCompiler interface.

The RegEvent.mof file provided in the WMI section of the Windows SDK contains the __Win32Provider and __EventProviderRegistration instances necessary to register the System Registry provider as an event provider. For more information about registering a provider, see Registering a Provider and Receiving a WMI Event.