"This item is a component on one or more bills of materials" Error message when you try to delete an inventory item in Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics GP

This article provides a solution to an error that occurs when you try to delete an inventory item in Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number:   933028


When you try to delete an inventory item in Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 or in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, you receive the following error message:

This item is a component on one or more bills of materials. It can't be deleted until you remove it from those bills of materials.


This problem occurs if any of the following conditions is true:

  • The inventory item has a manufacturing order history. See Resolution 1.
  • The inventory item is in stock. See Resolution 2.
  • The inventory item has an inventory history. See Resolution 3.
  • The inventory item is a component on a bill of materials. See Resolution 4.
  • The inventory item is a finished good and has a bill of materials. Or, the inventory item is a subassembly on another finished good. See Resolution 5.

Resolution 1

To resolve this problem, locate, close, and then remove the history of the manufacturing orders that include the inventory item that you're trying to delete. To do it, follow these steps:

  1. Select Inquiry, point to Manufacturing, point to Manufacturing Orders, and then select Item Transactions.

  2. Close the manufacturing orders that include the inventory item that you're trying to delete. To do it, use one of the following methods.

    • Method 1

      1. Select Transactions, point to Manufacturing, point to Manufacturing Orders, and then select MO Close.
      2. Select a manufacturing order, and then select Process.
    • Method 2

      1. Select Transactions, point to Manufacturing, point to Manufacturing Orders, and then select Edit MO Status.
      2. Select a manufacturing order, select Closed in the Change MO Status to list, and then select Process.
  3. Enter any reverse transactions that you have to process. To do it, select Transactions, point to Manufacturing, point to Manufacturing Orders, and then select Component Trx Entry.


    This step isn't required.

  4. Remove the history of the manufacturing orders. To do it, follow these steps:

    1. On the Tools menu, point to Utilities, point to Manufacturing, and then select Remove MO.
    2. In the From field and in the To field, enter a manufacturing order.
    3. Select the Canceled Orders check box.
    4. Select the Closed Orders check box, and then select Process.


    If you want to maintain all the history of the company, create a new company, and then restore the company information in this new company. Then, run the COMPANYID script in the new company to make sure that the IDs are correct. After you run the COMPANYID script, delete the history and the items in the original company. You can use the new company as a reference for the transactions that no longer exist in the original company.

    For more information about the COMPANYID script, see KB - Set up a test company that has a copy of live company data for Microsoft Dynamics GP by using Microsoft SQL Server.

  5. Try to delete the inventory item. If you still receive the error message that is mentioned in the Symptoms section, follow the steps in Resolution 2.

Resolution 2

To resolve this problem, verify that the inventory item isn't in stock. To do it, follow these steps:

  1. In the Item Inquiry window, verify that the following fields have a value of zero:

    • Quantities On Hand
    • Quantities Allocated
    • Quantities Available
  2. If any of these fields doesn't have a value of zero, enter the appropriate transaction to make the value zero.

  3. Try to delete the inventory item. If you still receive the error message that is mentioned in the Symptoms section, follow the steps in Resolution 3.

Resolution 3

To resolve this problem, remove the inventory history of the inventory item that you're trying to delete. To do it, follow these steps:

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Utilities, point to Inventory, and then select Remove Transaction History.

  2. In the From field and in the To field, enter the inventory item.

  3. Select the Remove check box.

  4. Select the Remove Distributions check box, and then select Process.


    If you want to maintain all the history of the company, create a new company, and then restore the company information in this new company. Then, run the COMPANYID script in the new company to make sure that the IDs are correct. After you run the COMPANYID script, delete the history and the items in the original company. You can use the new company as a reference for the transactions that no longer exist in the original company.

    For more information about the COMPANYID script, see KB - Set up a test company that.

  5. Try to delete the inventory item. If you still receive the error message that is mentioned in the Symptoms section, follow the steps in Resolution 4.

Resolution 4

To resolve this problem, delete the component from all bills of materials. To do it, follow these steps:

  1. Select Inquiry, point to Manufacturing, and then select BOM View.
  2. Select Where Used.
  3. In the Item Number field, enter the component that you're trying to delete.
  4. Note

    The finished good for all the bills that contain the component.

  5. Select Cards, point to Manufacturing, and then select Bill of Materials.
  6. In the Item Number field, enter a finished good that you noted in step 4.
  7. Select the component from the bill, and then select Remove Item from BOM. When you're prompted to delete the component, select Delete.
  8. Repeat step 6 through step 7 until you remove the component from all bills of materials.
  9. Try to delete the inventory item. If you still receive the error message that is mentioned in the Symptoms section, follow the steps in Resolution 5.

Resolution 5

To resolve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Select Inquiry, point to Manufacturing, and then select BOM View.
  2. Select Where Used.
  3. In the Item Number field, enter the inventory item that you're trying to delete.
  4. Note

    All the bills in which the inventory item is the finished good or a subassembly.

  5. Select Cards, point to Manufacturing, and then select Bill of Materials.
  6. In the Item Number field, enter the finished good or a subassembly that you noted in step 4.
  7. Select the component, and then select Delete.
  8. Repeat step 6 through step 7 until you remove the finished good and the subassemblies from all bills of materials.
  9. Try to delete the inventory item. If you still receive the error message that is mentioned in the Symptoms section, contact technical support.