Chile identity card number
seven to eight digits plus delimiters a check digit or letter
seven to eight digits plus delimiters:
- one to two digits
- an optional period
- three digits
- an optional period
- three digits
- a dash
- one digit or letter (not case-sensitive) which is a check digit
Keyword Highlighting
When keyword highlighting is supported in the contextual summary for a sensitive information type or a trainable classifier, in the Contextual Summary view of activity explorer, the keywords in a document that were matched to a policy are highlighted.
A DLP policy has high confidence that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
- The function
finds content that matches the pattern. - A keyword from
is found. - The checksum passes.
A DLP policy has medium confidence that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
- The function
finds content that matches the pattern. - The checksum passes.
<!-- Chile Identity Card Number -->
<Entity id="4e979794-49a0-407e-a0b9-2c536937b925" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_chile_id_card"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_chile_id_card"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_chile_id_card"/>
- cédula de identidad
- identificación
- national identification
- national identification number
- national id
- número de identificación nacional
- rol único nacional
- rol único tributario
- tarjeta de identificación
- Rol Unico Nacional
- Rol Unico Tributario
- RUN#
- RUT#
- nationaluniqueroleID#
- nacional identidad
- número identificación
- identidad número
- numero identificacion
- identidad numero
- Chilean identity no.
- Chilean identity number
- Chilean identity #
- Unique Tax Registry
- Unique Tributary Role
- Unique Tax Role
- Unique Tributary Number
- Unique National Number
- Unique National Role
- National unique role
- Chile identity no.
- Chile identity number
- Chile identity #
- R.U.T
- R.U.N