SYSLIB diagnostics for options validation source generation

The following table shows the diagnostic IDs for options validation source-generation analyzers in .NET 8 and later versions.

Diagnostic ID Description
SYSLIB1201 Can't use ValidateObjectMembersAttribute or ValidateEnumeratedItemsAttribute on fields or properties with open generic types.
SYSLIB1202 A member type has no fields or properties to validate.
SYSLIB1203 A type has no fields or properties to validate.
SYSLIB1204 A type annotated with OptionsValidatorAttribute doesn't implement the necessary interface.
SYSLIB1205 A type already includes an implementation of the 'Validate' method.
SYSLIB1206 Can't validate private fields or properties.
SYSLIB1207 Member type is not enumerable.
SYSLIB1208 Validators used for transitive or enumerable validation must have a constructor with no parameters.
SYSLIB1209 OptionsValidatorAttribute can't be applied to a static class.
SYSLIB1210 Null validator type specified for the ValidateObjectMembersAttribute or ValidateEnumeratedItemsAttribute attributes.
SYSLIB1211 Unsupported circular references in model types.
SYSLIB1212 Member potentially missing transitive validation.
SYSLIB1213 Member potentially missing enumerable validation.
SYSLIB1214 Can't validate constants, static fields or properties.
SYSLIB1215 Validation attribute on the member is inaccessible from the validator type.
SYSLIB1216 C# language version not supported by the options validation source generator.
SYSLIB1217 The validation attribute is only applicable to properties of type string, array, or ICollection; it cannot be used with other types.