Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL grain persistence

The Azure Cosmos DB grain persistence provider supports the API for NoSQL.

Install NuGet package

Install the Microsoft.Orleans.Persistence.Cosmos and Microsoft.Orleans.Clustering.Cosmos NuGet packages. The Azure Cosmos DB provider stores state in a container item.


The default database name used by the provider is Orleans. The default clustering container name is OrleansCluster and the default storage container name is OrleansStorage. The cluster container expects a partition key value of /ClusterId and the storage container expects /PartitionKey.

Configure clustering provider

To configure the clustering provider, use the HostingExtensions.UseCosmosClustering extension method. You can customize the name and throughput of the database or container, enable resource creation, or configure the client's credentials in this method.

    configureOptions: static options =>
        options.IsResourceCreationEnabled = true;
        options.DatabaseName = "OrleansAlternativeDatabase";
        options.ContainerName = "OrleansClusterAlternativeContainer";
        options.ContainerThroughputProperties = ThroughputProperties.CreateAutoscaleThroughput(1000);

Configure storage provider

Configure the Azure Cosmos DB grain persistence provider using the HostingExtensions.AddCosmosGrainStorage extension method.

    name: "profileStore",
    configureOptions: static options =>
        options.IsResourceCreationEnabled = true;
        options.DatabaseName = "OrleansAlternativeDatabase";
        options.ContainerName = "OrleansStorageAlternativeContainer";
        options.ContainerThroughputProperties = ThroughputProperties.CreateAutoscaleThroughput(1000);