Bulk upload tasks into Migration Manager using a CSV or JSON file

There are two different methods available to bulk upload tasks into Migration Manager. One is using a comma-separated (CSV) file, and the other is to use a JSON file.

Manually enter the values into whichever format you choose. The first row is validated to make sure the destination links are valid. If you receive an invalid destination error, make sure to also check the remainder of your tasks to ensure they have valid destinations.

Before you begin:

  • Pre-provision OneDrive accounts. If you're migrating to OneDrive accounts, make sure the accounts are pre-provisioned before you migrate. This can be done using this script: Pre-provision OneDrive for users in your organization.
  • Template. A .csv template is available for bulk uploading: Migration Manager bulk upload template
  • Column headings. You can optionally use columns headings in your CSV file to make your file easier to read.
  • All columns must be account for. Remember to account for all six columns in the file, even if you aren't needing a value for a given field.
  • UTF-8. The encoding of the CSV file must be UTF-8.
  • If you are migrating to OneDrive accounts. When entering your OneDrive target, do not include "_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx" at the end of the entry. Also, the document library of a OneDrive target should be Documents not "MyFiles".

Using a comma-separated value (CSV) file for bulk upload

Migration Manager lets you use a comma-separated (CSV) file to bulk migrate your data. Use any text editor, or an application like Excel, to create the CSV file.

CSV file format

There are six columns needed in your CSV file. The first three columns are your source values, each providing detail about where your data is currently located. The remaining three columns indicate the site, document library and optional subfolder to where you're migrating your data. All six columns must be accounted for in the file, even if you aren't needing a value for a given field. You may also include column headings in your file.

Here's an example of the format for the CSV file. The rows show files that are being migrated from local file shares. You can optionally include a header row in your file.

Sample format when using a CSV file

This example shows how it would appear in a .txt file with column headers.


To create a CSV file for data migration

The following example uses Excel to create the CSV file.

  1. Start Excel.

  2. Enter the values for your migration jobs. Enter one migration source and destination per row. See the reference table below for further explanation of columns.

    • Column A: Enter a file share path. Required.

    • Column B: Leave this column blank. This column doesn't apply to file share migration.

    • Column C: Leave this column blank. This column doesn't apply to file share migration.

    • Column D: Enter the SharePoint site URL or OneDrive email/URL where the files are to be migrated. Required.

    • Column E: Enter the name of the document library in the SharePoint site where the files are to be migrated. Required.

    • Column F: Enter the name of the subfolder in the document library. If this column is left empty, the files are moved to the root level. Optional.

  3. Close and save as a Comma delimited (*.csv) file.

Using a JSON file for bulk upload

The following example shows the JSON format used in migrating your data.

The minimum required values are SourcePath, TargetPath and TargetList.


  "Tasks": [

      "SourcePath": "\\\\contoso\\fileshare\\dept1",
      "TargetPath": "https://a830edad9050849387E18042320.sharepoint.com",
      "TargetList": "Documents",
      "TargetListRelativePath": "dept1",

      "Settings": {

        "MigrateHiddenItems": true,
        "MigrateItemsCreatedAfter": "2016-05-22",
        "MigrateItemsModifiedAfter": "2016-05-22",
        "SkipFilesWithExtensions": "txt:mp3",
        "MigrateOneNoteNotebook": true


      "SourcePath": "\\\\contoso\\fileshare\\dept2",
      "TargetPath": "https://a830edad9050849387E18042320.sharepoint.com",
      "TargetList": "Documents",
      "TargetListRelativePath": "dept2",

      "Settings": {

        "MigrateHiddenItems": true,
        "MigrateItemsCreatedAfter": "2016-05-22",
        "MigrateItemsModifiedAfter": "2016-05-22",
        "SkipFilesWithExtensions": "txt:mp3",
        "MigrateOneNoteNotebook": false,

