Unable to see any performance or availability details using System Center 2012 Operations Manager widgets

This article helps you fix an issue in which you are unable to see any performance or availability details when you use performance widgets in System Center 2012 Operations Manager.

Original product version:   System Center 2012 Operations Manager
Original KB number:   2711375


When using performance widgets in System Center 2012 Operations Manager, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • While creating performance widgets, none of the performance objects or counters are shown in the wizard.

  • You're unable to retrieve availability details using Operations Manager state widgets.

  • Network dashboard views aren't showing any availability details or performance details.

  • The Reset Health State task fails with the exception below shown under the task status view:

    A module reported an error 0x80070490 from a callback which was running as part of rule "System.Health.ResetState" running for instance "<instance name>" with id:"{GUID}" in management group "<Management Group Name>".

    Error Code: -2130771918 (Unknown error (0x80ff0032)).


It can occur if the management group ID is different in the MT_ManagementGroup and __MOMManagementGroupInfo__ tables. If you create the OperationsManager database using DBCreateWizard.exe, the management group GUIDs will be different. We can safely change the management group ID in __MOMManagementGroupInfo__ table.


This issue will only happen on upgraded environments from System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2.


To resolve this issue, complete the steps below.

  1. Find the management group ID in MT_ManagementGroup and __MOMManagementGroupInfo__ tables. To do it, run the following queries on the OperationsManager database:

    Select ManagementGroupId from __MOMManagementGroupInfo__
    Select Id_6B1D1BE8_EBB4_B425_08DC_2385C5930B04 from MT_ManagementGroup
  2. If the values (GUIDs) are different, change the management group ID in the __MOMManagementGroupInfo__ table. To do it, run the following query to update the __MOMManagementGroupInfo__ table:

    Update __MOMManagementGroupInfo__ SET ManagementGroupId = '<GUID>'


    Change the <GUID> to match the ID from MT_ManagementGroup table.

  3. Once the query is executed, restart the System Center Data Access Service, the System Center Management Configuration service, and the System Center Management service on the management server.

  4. Reopen the Operations Manager console using the /clearcache switch. For example, run the following command at a command prompt:

    microsoft.mom.ui.console.exe /clearcache

More information

Make sure that you have recent backups of the OperationsManager and OperationsManagerDW databases before updating the tables.