The default dynamic port range for TCP/IP has changed since Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008

This article describes the changes to the default dynamic port range for TCP/IP in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008.


Support for Windows Vista without any service packs installed ended on April 13, 2010. To continue receiving security updates for Windows, make sure that you are running Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (SP2). For more information, go to the following Microsoft website: Support is ending for some versions of Windows

Original KB number:   929851


To comply with Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) recommendations, Microsoft has increased the dynamic client port range for outgoing connections in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. The new default start port is 49152, and the new default end port is 65535. This is a change from the configuration of earlier versions of Windows that used a default port range of 1025 through 5000.

More Information

You can view the dynamic port range on a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 by using the following netsh commands:

  • netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp
  • netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport udp
  • netsh int ipv6 show dynamicport tcp
  • netsh int ipv6 show dynamicport udp


The range is set separately for each transport (TCP or UDP). The port range is now truly a range that has a starting point and an ending point. Microsoft customers who deploy servers that are running Windows Server 2008 may have problems that affect RPC communication between servers if firewalls are used on the internal network. In these situations, we recommend that you reconfigure the firewalls to allow traffic between servers in the dynamic port range of 49152 through 65535. This range is in addition to well-known ports that are used by services and applications. Or, the port range that is used by the servers can be modified on each server. You adjust this range by using the netsh command, as follows: netsh int <ipv4|ipv6> set dynamic <tcp|udp> start= number num= range.
This command sets the dynamic port range for TCP. The start port is number, and the total number of ports is range.

The following are sample commands:

  • netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=10000 num=1000
  • netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport udp start=10000 num=1000
  • netsh int ipv6 set dynamicport tcp start=10000 num=1000
  • netsh int ipv6 set dynamicport udp start=10000 num=1000

These sample commands set the dynamic port range to start at port 10000 and to end at port 10999 (1000 ports). The minimum range of ports that can be set is 255. The minimum start port that can be set is 1025. The maximum end port (based on the range being configured) cannot exceed 65535. To duplicate the default behavior of Windows Server 2003, use 1025 as the start port, and then use 3976 as the range for both TCP and UDP. This results in a start port of 1025 and an end port of 5000.


When you install Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 on a Windows Server 2008-based computer, the default port range is 1025 through 60000.

For more information about security in Microsoft Exchange 2007, go to the following Microsoft TechNet website:
Exchange 2007 Security Guide


For more information about IANA port-assignment standards, go to the following IANA website:
Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

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