@Anderson Matos de Andrade If the above suggestion doesnt help, do check the AD Connect pre-reqs as defined here - @Anderson Matos de Andrade If the above suggestion doesnt help, do check the AD Connect pre-reqs as defined here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/hybrid/connect/how-to-connect-install-prerequisites#:~:text=Active%20Directory.-,Installation%20prerequisites,-Azure%20AD%20Connect
Also help us with the trace logs, system and application event logs at the time of issue.
Any group policy settings (applied due to server hardening) ?
Feel free to connect with us by sending an email on azcommunity [at] microsoft [dot] com referencing this issue with a subject line "ATTN:Givary" so that we can connect offline to troubleshoot further on this.