Azure Data Factory managed private endpoint to Azure PostgresSQL flexible server
In my infra I have a Vnet with two subnets:
- application-subnet
- delegated-subnet
The Azure Data Factory instance is on application-subnet.
The Azure PostgreSQL flexible server is in delegated-subnet and is configured with Private Access (VNET Integration).
Pricing tier: General Purpose
Compute size: Standard_D2s_v3 (2 vCores, 8 GiB memory, 3200 max iops)
Storage: 32 GiB
In the ADF instance I am trying to create a linked service to the db using Azure managed integration runtime. In the ADF private endpoint form, I choose the subscription but the dropdown with database server name is not filled:
I tried to create it from terrafom script:
resource "azurerm_data_factory_managed_private_endpoint" "db-mpe" {
data_factory_id =
target_resource_id =
subresource_name = "postgresqlServer"
But then it is pending for approval and there is no section in PostgreSQL db to approve it.
What should I do?
I also tried to create a private endpoint:
resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "db_private_endpoint" {
name = "${local.instance_name}-pe"
resource_group_name =
location = data.azurerm_resource_group.common_rg.location
subnet_id =
private_service_connection {
name = "${local.instance_name}-sc"
is_manual_connection = "false"
private_connection_resource_id =
subresource_names = ["postgresqlServer"]
Error: creating Private Endpoint (Subscription: "xxxx"
78│ Private Endpoint Name: "xxx-pe"): performing CreateOrUpdate: unexpected status 400 with error: SubscriptionNotRegisteredForFeature: Subscription /subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/subscriptions/ is not registered for feature Microsoft.Network/AllowPrivateEndpoints required to carry out the requested operation.
What can I do?