how we run connect-azconnect with out asking for credentials as i have to run in target machine?
This is the script I am trying to execute, what need to amend?
$subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
Connect-AzAccount -AccountID ''
# Loop through each subscription
foreach ($subscription in $subscriptions) {
# Set the current subscription
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscription.SubscriptionId
$a+=Search-AzGraph -Query "patchinstallationresources| where type has ""softwarepatches"" and properties !has ""version""| extend machineName = tostring(split(id, ""/"", 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, ""/"", 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, ""/"", 4)), tostring(RunID = split(id, ""/"", 10))| extend prop = parse_json(properties)| extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), patchName = tostring(prop.patchName), kbId = tostring(prop.kbId), installationState = tostring(prop.installationState), classifications = tostring(prop.classifications)| where lTime > ago(30d)| project lTime, RunID, machineName, rgName, resourceType, patchName, kbId, classifications, installationState| sort by RunID"
$a | Select-Object -Property lTime,RunID,machineName,rgName,resourceType,patchName,kbId,classifications,installationState | Export-Csv ./testgraph.csv