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Azure Communications and HVE

Michael Stewart 0 Reputation points


Azure Communications High-Volume Email (HVE) Clarifications


As a Systems Engineer, I have several questions regarding the recent updates to the Azure Communications High-Volume Email (HVE) service as we prepare to integrate these changes. Can anyone provide some insights and guidance on the following inquiries:

  1. Email Handling Guidelines: What are the specific guidelines for managing email between hosted domains under the new bulk email limits?
  2. Billing Model: Could someone elaborate on the new consumption-based billing model for the HVE service and how it differs from the previous model?
  3. Recipient Limit Enforcement: During the HVE preview period, how will the 2,000 external recipients per day limit be enforced?
  4. Email SDK Integration: Are there recommended practices for incorporating the Azure Communication Services Email SDK into our existing systems?
  5. DNS Configuration: What verification steps are recommended to ensure DNS configuration changes are correctly implemented for Azure Communication Services?
  6. Domain Ownership Verification: Could you explain the domain ownership verification process for Azure Communication Services?
  7. Monitoring Email Usage: What tools or methods are available to monitor our bulk email usage against the new limits?
  8. Stakeholder Communication: Where can we find resources to assist in communicating the upcoming changes, impacts, and migration plans to our stakeholders?
  9. Future Updates: Are there any anticipated updates to the HVE service in the near future that we should prepare for?
  10. Monitoring Tools: How can we utilize the Microsoft 365 Reports in the admin center to effectively monitor our email activity?

Thank you for your assistance in clarifying these details for me and the community!

Azure Communication Services
Azure Communication Services
An Azure communication platform for deploying applications across devices and platforms.
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