Creating a managed disk with IOPS and Throughout using the Azure golang SDK on Premium SSD v2 not supported

Prateek Maini 0 Reputation points


I am trying to connect to Azure and create a managed disk with custom IOPS and Throughput (for Premium SSD v2) using the Azure Go lang SDK. These are the following versions of SDK in my environment: v58.0.0+incompatible v1.9.0 v1.4.0 v1.1.0 v0.5.1 v5.2.0 v4.3.0 v1.1.0 v0.1.0 v1.2.0 v1.1.0 v4.2.0 v4.0.0-beta.1 v1.1.0 v1.2.0 v1.0.0 v1.0.1 v1.0.0 v1.5.0 // indirect v0.5.0 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect

I am able to create a managed disk of different types with custom sizes. However, I am unable to find how I can specify an IOPS or Throughput on the Disk. The piece of code I am using is

// Only for Data disks as Azure only supports Data Disks on Premium SSD v2
for i := uint32(0); i < diskConfig.NumDiskPerNode; i++ {
		disks[i] = requests.DataDisk{
			Lun:                     int32(i),
			Caching:                 string(cacheType),
			WriteAcceleratorEnabled: false,
			ManagedDisk: requests.ManagedDiskParameters{
				StorageAccountTypes: diskConfig.DiskType.String(),
			ToBeDetached: false,
			DeleteOption: string(armcompute.DiskDeleteOptionTypesDelete),
			DiskSizeInGB: int32(diskConfig.DiskSizeGB),
			CreateOption: string(armcompute.DiskCreateOptionEmpty),
		if diskConfig.DiskType.String() == "PremiumV2_LRS" {
			disks[i].DiskIOPSReadWrite = "3000"))
			disks[i].DiskMBpsReadWrite = "300")

These are the errors I get:

RESPONSE 400: 400 Bad Request
ERROR CODE: InvalidParameter
  "error": {
    "code": "InvalidParameter",
    "message": "Property 'dataDisk.diskIOPSReadWrite' can be enabled only on VMs in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.",
    "target": "dataDisk.diskIOPSReadWrite"

RESPONSE 400: 400 Bad Request
ERROR CODE: InvalidParameter
  "error": {
    "code": "InvalidParameter",
    "message": "Property 'dataDisk.DiskMBpsReadWrite' can be enabled only on VMs in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.",
    "target": "dataDisk.DiskMBpsReadWrite"

I confirmed from the latest version of the SDK as well that these operations are not supported from the SDK.

	// READ-ONLY; Specifies the Read-Write IOPS for the managed disk when StorageAccountType is UltraSSD_LRS. Returned only for
	// VirtualMachine ScaleSet VM disks. Can be updated only via updates to the VirtualMachine
	// Scale Set.
	DiskIOPSReadWrite *int64 `json:"diskIOPSReadWrite,omitempty" azure:"ro"`

	// READ-ONLY; Specifies the bandwidth in MB per second for the managed disk when StorageAccountType is UltraSSD_LRS. Returned
	// only for VirtualMachine ScaleSet VM disks. Can be updated only via updates to the
	// VirtualMachine Scale Set.
	DiskMBpsReadWrite *int64 `json:"diskMBpsReadWrite,omitempty" azure:"ro"`

However, I am comfortably able to create a Disk on PremiumV2_LRS on Azure Portal. Further, on the disks I create through the SDK, I am able to increase its throughput and IOPS through a Power shell script I run on Azure Portal

User's image

User's image

$subscriptionId = "<my-subscription>"
$resourceGroup = "<my-resourceGroup>"
$diskName = "<my-disk>"
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
$diskUpdateConfig = New-AzDiskUpdateConfig -DiskIOPSReadWrite 3000 -DiskMBpsReadWrite 300
Update-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -DiskName $diskName -DiskUpdate $diskUpdateConfig

I have no way of finding how to set IOPS and Throughput on my call to create a disk. Is it something that only supported via REST API client/Azure Portal and not the SDK? If not, I would want to request support be extended for it in the Azure SDK (since its clearly supported in the portal)

Any guidance would be helpful.

Azure Disk Storage
Azure Disk Storage
A high-performance, durable block storage designed to be used with Azure Virtual Machines and Azure VMware Solution.
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