Deleting files from the DFS replication staging area can be a sensitive operation, as it involves system-level files and directories. It’s important to approach this process cautiously and ensure that the file is indeed safe to delete. Here are steps you can take to force delete the file:
Open Command Prompt as an Administrator:
Use the Del Command:
Type the following command and press Enter:
del /F "C:\System Volume Information\DFSR\Private{66793163-17B0-4D99-B288-0E2204B8198A}-{F85CF016-1062-49D3-9966-C82530ECE0A7}\malicious\unknown-software_d-{77BBC9CA-1B47-4BDA-BFC0-E3F2F101BCD3}-v33285442.exe"
Or you may need some force uninstall tool to delete the file.
Best Regards,
Hania Lian
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