Certificate with thumbprint {} associated with HTTPS input endpoint HttpsIn does not contain private key.

William Yao 0 Reputation points

When I deployed a Cloud service package (.cspkg and .cscfg files) to the Cloud service (classic) on Azure, it failed. Received the following error message in the Operation log (classic) UpgradeDeploymentBySlot (Faild):    "operationStatus": {

        "id": "f91291f9-73f8-ab14-91b3-c6ba418d5152",

        "status": "Failed",

        "httpStatusCode": 400,

        "error": {

            "code": "BadRequest",

            "message": "Certificate with thumbprint 5AA4.....68EA associated with HTTPS input endpoint HttpsIn does not contain private key."


I already installed the SSL wildcard_xyz_com.pfx into the Cloud service (classic). It is shown under the Settings->Certificates.

I also installed the SSL wildcard_xyz_com.pfx into the PC that I use to compile and package the Cloud service project to get the package (.cspkg and .cscfg) files. I believe the SSL wildcard_xyz_com.pfx contain private key.

So, my question is which Certificate and in where is referring in this error message?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Azure Cloud Services
Azure Cloud Services
An Azure platform as a service offer that is used to deploy web and cloud applications.
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