.AddScope() with a Blazor app, is for the life the Blazor app. But your components will not rerender just because an injected service changed or fired an event. You must call StateHasChanged() from the event. But the is poor design. you should be using a cascading state variable. rather than having every component listen for the change, and then fire a tree render(). typically this would all be managed in a component close to the root.
How to use AddScope in Blazor .NET 8
I am currently learning Blazor in .NET 8 (server) and I'm having trouble understanding a key concept. I need to have a persistent service per user, so I can't use a singleton. The thing that makes sense is a scope, from all the stuff I've read online (and from Microsoft docs), it should work, people used to build TransferServices with that! However, the thing is it doesn't work as I expect; it's like every component has a different "services."
Here is the code of my MainLayout (yes, I know Dispose is not implemented):
public partial class MainLayout : LayoutComponentBase
private ThemeService ThemeService { get; set;} = default!;
private string CurrentTheme { get; set; } = "";
protected override void OnInitialized()
ThemeService.OnThemeChanged += OnThemeChanged;
CurrentTheme = ThemeService.GetThemeString();
private void OnThemeChanged(string p_theme)
CurrentTheme = p_theme;
Console.WriteLine("Theme changed to " + p_theme);
And here is the code of my UI element far away from my MainLayout that allows me to change the theme:
public partial class ThemeSelector : ComponentBase
private ThemeService ThemeService { get; set;} = default!;
private void DarkThemeChanged(bool p_isThemeDark)
ThemeService.IsDarkTheme = p_isThemeDark;
Basically, in ThemeSelector and in MainLayout, ThemeService is different. I'm using Blazor .NET 8 Auto, but all that code is in the server, not in the .Client. Am I not understanding something? (Sorry for my poor English; it's not my first language.)