Which version of SQL Server do you have?
Changing the start up to Automatic (Delayed) would be my first recommendation. Although for SQL 2022 that should not be necessary, because it is installed with delayed start by default. But if you have an older version of SQL Server, this can very well be the solution.
You can check C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLnn.MICROSOFT\MSSQL\LOG to see if there is an ERRORLOG created when Windows starts. If so, that would indicate that SQL Server starts but then stops for some reason. Check the errorlog what the reason may be. (Note that the actual path depends on the installation, so the path above may not be correct.)
I know that in the past, I had to change my SQL Server instances to have delayed start. My machine is a desktop with quite a few instances, and a bunch of other things to start on system boot, so it is not really a surprise that Windows is not able to start every service within the allotted 30 seconds.