How to enable ASR for Azure VMs using scripts such as ARM or Bicep

Tony Acchar 5 Reputation points


I need to setup Azure Site Recovery for VMs using Bicep or ARM template. I setup the Recovery Service Vaults through the portal and I added a VM to the replicated items. The replication works fine on the portal and it is healthy. I exported the Resource Group which held all the resources needed for ASR to an ARM template and decompiled to bicep script. When running the script it stopped on a step:

resource vaults_Site_recovery_vault_canadaeast_name_default 'Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationVaultSettings@2024-01-01' = {
  parent: vaults_Site_recovery_vault_canadaeast_name_resource
  name: 'default'
  properties: {

Asking for two parameters:

Status Message: Operation failed as replication provider settings were not specified. (Code: BadRequest)
 - Operation failed as replication provider settings were not specified. (Code:ReplicationProviderSettingsNotSpecified)
Status Message: An invalid parameter MigrationSolutionId and VMwareToAzureProviderType was passed. (Code: BadRequest)
 - An invalid parameter MigrationSolutionId and VMwareToAzureProviderType was passed. (Code:InvalidParameter)

Looking on Microsoft documentation, these two properties are not required and my ASR does not suppose to replicate any VMware machines.


Azure Site Recovery
Azure Site Recovery
An Azure native disaster recovery service. Previously known as Microsoft Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager.
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