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Azure AD B2C emits audit logs that contain information about activities related to B2C resources, issued tokens, and administrator access rights. These audit logs are critical to understanding and managing user activity, authentication, and authorization processes in an Azure AD B2C environment.
Specifically, the “B2C” category in the audit logs encompasses a variety of types of activity, including but not limited to:
Authorization: Activity that involves authorizing users to access B2C resources, such as administrators accessing a list of B2C policies.
Directory: Activities related to directory attributes retrieved when an administrator logs in using the Azure portal.
Application: Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations associated with B2C applications.
Keys: CRUD operations related to keys stored in the B2C key container.
Resources: CRUD operations related to B2C resources, such as policies and identification providers.
Authentication: Authentication of user credentials and token issuance.
Login activities are also recorded in the audit log as part of authentication. When a user logs in to an Azure AD B2C-protected application using his or her credentials, the associated login activities (e.g., user authentication, token issuance, etc.) are captured and logged in the audit log. These log entries typically contain detailed information about the login activity, such as the name of the activity (e.g., “issue id_token to application”), the initiator (the object ID of the B2C application the user is logging in to), the target (the object ID of the user who is logging in), and other pertinent information (e.g., the Tenant ID, Policy ID and application ID).
Therefore, the trace will not be shown in the login log because the login activity will be recorded in the audit log.
I hope the information above is helpful.
Best Regards,
Yanhong Liu
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