I have created a Logic App workflow that generates an Excel file with inactive guest users which is sent by email.
The workflow first performs the following query:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?$filter=signInActivity/lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime le 2024-05-30T11:05:28.8427628Z&$select=displayName,mail,userPrincipalName,userType,signInActivity
In the response the signInActivity object contains the following data:
"signInActivity": {
"lastSignInDateTime": "2024-08-20T09:28:53Z",
"lastSignInRequestId": "e820836a-0ea5-462d-8673-9d26eb6f7f00",
"lastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime": "2024-08-27T11:04:54Z",
"lastNonInteractiveSignInRequestId": "45cb7006-5ea2-4be1-873a-fe2866a89700",
"lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime": "2024-04-15T06:05:02Z",
"lastSuccessfulSignInRequestId": "c12ea9aa-0c71-4501-bf37-cb46acb60700"
Then it filters all users where userType equals 'Guest'.
Next, it copies an existing (blank) Excel file and then appends the data into the Excel file by the use of the 'Add a row into a table' action. In this action I configured the DateTime Format parameter as 'ISO 8601'.
Also, in this action I use the following expression to format the string into the Dutch user friendly date format:
formatDateTime(items('For_each_-_Guest_user')?['signInActivity']?['lastSignInDateTime'],'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss')
The problem is now that this expression only works for datetime strings where the day value is higher than 12. Otherwise, the ISO 8601 string is returned from the expression.
Below two examples:
Input string A
"lastSignInDateTime": "2024-07-04T14:01:10Z"
Input string B
"lastSignInDateTime": "2024-08-20T09:28:53Z"
Input string C
"lastSignInDateTime": "2024-04-08T19:01:23Z"
Input string D
"lastSignInDateTime": "2024-04-25T09:03:55Z"
This is the output after the expression has been performed:
Output string A (wrong)
"lastSignInDateTime": "2024-04-07T16:01:10.000Z"
Output string B (correct)
"lastSignInDateTime": "20-08-2024 11:28:53"
Output string C (wrong)
"lastSignInDateTime": "2024-08-04T21:01:23.000Z"
Output string D (correct)
"lastSignInDateTime": "25-04-2024 11:03:55"
I am clueless what is causing this behavior. Does anyone know?
Thanks for all help in advance.
PS: The expected/desired outcome (output) is like examples 'Output string B' and 'Output string D'