Linked Server. Dont show ip or dynamic dns

Stefanos Spyridakis 21 Reputation points

I want to make a link between two sql servers 2019. My server is a local machine, the other server is a virtual machine in cloud.
I can connect the virtual to the local very easily but the ip shows up.
Can i make the link and have my own name? without the ip showing up or dynamic dns.

Thank you in advance,

SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Private Link
Azure Private Link
An Azure service that provides private connectivity from a virtual network to Azure platform as a service, customer-owned, or Microsoft partner services.
483 questions
SQL Server
SQL Server
A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions.
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5 answers

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  1. Dan Guzman 9,221 Reputation points

    You can create a SQL Server linked server with a custom name by specifying a data source other than "SQL Server" along with the desired SQL Server OLE DB Provider. Below is a T-SQL example that uses the latest Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL) installed from here. You'll also need to set the desired security context and options as you would normally.

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver  
    	  @server = N'<custom-name-here>'  
    	, @srvproduct=N''  
    	, @provider=N'MSOLEDBSQL'  
    	, @datasrc=N'<remote-ip-or-hostname>';  
    1 person found this answer helpful.
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  2. m 4,271 Reputation points

    Hi @Stefanos Spyridakis ,

    Can i make the link and have my own name? without the ip showing up or dynamic dns.

    Yes. You can.
    You can reference @Dan Guzman ’s reply or reference docs as next:

    If the reply is helped, please do “Accept Answer” .

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  3. m 4,271 Reputation points

    Hi @Stefanos Spyridakis ,

    Is the reply helpful?

    If the reply is helped, please do "Accept Answer".--Mia

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  4. m 4,271 Reputation points

    Hi @Stefanos Spyridakis ,

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    If the reply is helped, please do "Accept Answer".--Mia

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  5. m 4,271 Reputation points

    Hi @Stefanos Spyridakis ,

    Is the reply helpful?

    If the reply is helped, please do "Accept Answer".--Mia

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