Are Channel Mentions supported via Incoming Webhook Connectors?

Szewczyk, Dawid 36 Reputation points


TL:DR: While posting to Incoming Webhook Connectors messages with @mentions of a Channel ID, the message goes through but the mentioned channel is not linked to anything and doesn't trigger notifications to users of that channel.

I have used relevant Dev Docs to send messages with Adaptive Cards against Incoming Webhook Connectors (dev docs:

The solution works for Ms Team Users but as soon as I move to Channel Ids it is not working as expected - as in the notifications are not send and the channel name is not a pseudo link I could hover over to see some details.

This link shows how I'm getting the channel id:

sample msg:

        "type": "message",  
        "attachments": [  
            "contentType": "application/",  
            "content": {  
                "type": "AdaptiveCard",  
                "body": [  
                        "type": "TextBlock",  
                        "size": "Medium",  
                        "weight": "Bolder",  
                        "text": "ALERT TITLE"  
                        "type": "TextBlock",  
                        "text": "Hi , this is the actual msg"  
                "$schema": "",  
                "version": "1.0",  
                "msteams": {  
                    "entities": [  
                            "type": "mention",  
                            "text": "",  
                            "mentioned": {  
                              "id": "NORMALLY I HAVE AN ID# HERE",  
                              "name": "General"  
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Accepted answer
  1. Meghana-MSFT 3,811 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    We got the below response from the engineering team -

    Currently only user mention is supported in Incoming webhook. In general, mentioning a channel via payload is not supported yet in both Incoming Webhook and Bot.


    If the response is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it. You can share your feedback via Microsoft Teams Developer Feedback link. Click here to escalate.

    3 people found this answer helpful.

1 additional answer

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  1. rickyparallo 46 Reputation points

    Have a look at this here, this guy seems to have got it working. I can't get it working though, just shows as plain text with no notifications.

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