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Windows 7 Features That Your Mother Should Know About

After working several event booths doing demo’s and hosting a launch party at my house, it’s always interesting to me to see the different reactions to Windows 7. There’s the user who still is a Windows XP user, and there’s the user who’s running Windows Vista. And there are a lot of people running Windows XP, so there’s a lot of features that they just don’t know about that I take for granted. There are a few here too, that the Vista user might not be aware of.


  • Taskbar
    • Preview (Aero Peek)
    • Pinning
    • Jump Lists
  • Window Actions
    • Snap
    • Shake
    • Desktop / Minimize
  • Other features
    • Start / Search
    • Ribbon
    • Win+P
    • Speech
    • Gadgets
    • Windows Media Center (also look at adding Hauppauge TV Tuner)
  • IE8 (don’t have to wait for Windows 7 for this one)
    • Web Slice
    • Accelerator
    • Visual Search Provider
  • Live Essentials (don’t have to wait for Windows 7 for this one either)
    • Photo Gallery
    • Panorama
    • Make a movie
    • Photosynth
    • Movie Maker
    • Messenger / Web Cam
    • Writer
    • Family Safety