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Help Wanted

Okay, Microsoft may not be Joel Spolsky's vision
of the perfect software development company but it fits the bill for me and it
could for you, too.  Help Wanted: Development Lead for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.

Benefits of the job--of which I am no expert--include a generous living wage, truly
upward mobility, a bus pass, a big empty office with all the ammenities, the requisite
foosball table and free drinks, virtually unlimited personal professional development
resources and gummies, a jaw-dropping god-I'm-lucky health plan, and the opportunity to
work with some of the smartest computer geeks in the world... including me. If you
send your resume today and eventually get hired, I'll even throw in a red Swingline

 This from Chris Flaat's weblog:

"Recruiting has been interesting. I’ve
long done interviewing for Microsoft, and am pretty familiar with it. But
trying to fill multiple open spots within a team is a real challenge. I
have one position,
lead for source control integration and SourceSafe
, that oversees some
really interesting areas but I haven’t yet been able to fill. It’s
a real paradox that when I write a blog entry that has anything to do with source
code control, I get tons of comments & feedback, but when I post a job looking
for world-class candidates to lead development of this area, I don’t hear much back
– and this when tech jobs in the US are said to be disappearing by the thousands every
yet. I consider myself fairly well-read
and current on economic and technical trends, but I cannot figure out this contradiction! If
you’re qualified for and interested in this position,
me e-mail


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