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Why all the SharePoint/InfoPath posts?

As the whole blog transition has wound to a close, and I've ended up with two separate homes, I've been thinking a lot about how I can add value to the community through this blog (other than a series of perhaps interesting, but generally inconsequential, anecdotes ;-) If you're reading this blog, then you already know that I think that the possibilities available to a company through SharePoint* and InfoPath, especially at such a low overhead, are incredible. I also see a crying need from both the User and Developer communities for SharePoint and SharePoint/Infopath integration information. So, that's what I'm going to do - write more about my experiences with WSS and InfoPath, research things that seem to be common issues and questions, and pass them along in my blog. And in the process, I'll learn more, too, since I've only scratched the surface. Sound like a deal?

*By SharePoint I mean, of course, Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server 2003, and probably some SharePoint Team Services to boot.