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Error when trying to configure the CRM 2015 Outlook client

Error: CrmSqlCeConnection::ExecuteInNewConnection() Unexpected Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: Therre must be one and only one Organization record (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault).

Cause: This can be caused because of a duplicate Organization entry in the OrganizationBase table in the OrgDB
If you have imported an organization from within the same deployment this could happen.

Run the query to find out if there are more than 1 record on the OrgnizationBase table.
/* Replace Orgname with your Organization name */
Use Orgname_MSCRM
Select * from OrganizationBase

Ideally there should be only 1 row. We need to delete the incorrect one. Query the ConfigDB to find the right Organization ID for your CRM org.
SELECT [DatabaseName],[FriendlyName] ,[Id] FROM [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[Organization]

Delete the unwanted record from the OrgnizationBase table in the CRM Organization database
/* Replace Orgname with your Organization name */
Use Orgname_MSCRM
Delete from Organizationbase where OrganizationId != 'Paste the correct OrganizationId here'

Disclaimer: Take a backup of your CRM databases before making any changes.