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TFS Dashboard – A sample Windows 8 Store App for Team Foundation Server

Update: OData access for Team Foundation Service is now available. You can read more about it here. We have made some minor modifications to the Windows Store App and it is available in the Windows Store. The source code and the Appx package is also available for download.

Today we are releasing the beta of the OData Service for Team Foundation Server v2. In conjunction with that release I have been working on a sample Windows 8 Store App that connects to Team Foundation Server. I am glad to announce that the App - TFSDashboard - is now available for download. To download the Appx package and source code for the App, download and run ‘TFSDashboardBeta.exe’. To setup the OData Service, download ‘ODataForTFS.V2.Beta.exe’. To connect to the OData Service via the App please go through respective ReadMe files included within each self-extracting installer package.

The TFS Dashboard App currently implements the Live tiles, Search and Share features supported by the WinRT APIs. This App is primarily built to get users thinking towards building great Windows Store Apps, and to provide as an example for how to consume the OData Service for Team Foundation Server.

In consecutive blog posts, I’ll be getting into more details around consuming OData feeds for building functionalities such as Live tiles, Search and Share.

Here are some screenshots of the App:



Have fun playing with it!! If you have any feedback or suggestions, please email us.

Privacy policy: This App takes as input your TFS credential that is used for making authenticated calls to the OData Service. The App does not share the credential with any other website or App. The credential is encrypted while sending it to the OData Service.