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Change default logon domain name in the Windows 7 logon screen

This technical solution is not connected to the SCCM 2007 which is my focus technologies but anyway I want to share it here. I have following customer environment: 

  1. Windows 7 computers joined to domain A in the city A and we have users in same domain as well
  2. We have users in the city B with domain B and they use Windows 7 computers joined to domain A
  3. There is a two-way, transitive trust relationship between domain A and domain B 

Everything was OK until users from domain B told me that they want to login to Windows 7 computers (joined to domain A) without typing domainB\username. I didn’t have solution off the top of my head and I made quick Technet search which gave me this article Unfortunately  this solution didn’t work as is on Windows 7 OS. First rational idea was to use domain GPO to set DefaultLogonDomain parameter but we use only one domain GPO for Windows 7 computers and create new one for users from domain B wasn’t fancy option.

Solution was come from an idea to trace registry settings after I applied local GPO with DefaultLogonDomain parameter and as result I put this REG file as a task to deployment SCCM task sequence.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

