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CodePlex flying high

In 2008, CodePlex, Microsoft's open source project hosting web site, has more than doubled in terms on projects, visitors and usage!! Check out the statistics in CodePlex Weblog's post - CodePlex 2008 – A Year in Review by Sara Ford.

Last year there were 12 new releases of the CodePlex software and the latest one includes support for Silverlight. Yes, CodePlex now supports Silverlight. As a project owner, you can now put a Silverlight app on your project pages. Some weeks back, the DotNetNuke project moved to CodePlex and its Release 05.00.00 has already crossed 80K+ downloads!

SharePoint developer community has also done a great work and now there are a lot of SharePoint projects in Codeplex. Given below are some of my favorites:

Do check these out.