Roles to view and manage assessments and associated recommendations
Manage access to Advisor Well-Architected Framework (WAF) using built-in roles. The permissions vary by role.
View assessments for a subscription or workload and the associated recommendations.
Create assessments for a subscription or workload and manage lifecycle of the associated recommendations.
The role must be configured for the relevant subscription to create the assessment and view the corresponding recommendations.
Available actions to build custom roles
If your organization requires roles that don't match the Azure built-in roles, create your own custom role. A custom role works like a built-in role and allow you to assign it to users, groups, and service principals at management group, subscription, and resource group scopes. Use the following actions to create your custom role.
If your permission level is too low, your access to the associated action is blocked. Review common problems in the following section.
Configure subscription or resource group is blocked
When you try to configure a subscription or resource group, the option to include or exclude is blocked. The blocked status indicates that your permission level for that resource group or subscription is insufficient. To learn how to change your permission level, see Tutorial: Grant a user access to Azure resources using the Azure portal.
Postpone or dismiss is allowed, but sends an error
When you try to postpone or dismiss a recommendation, you receive an error. The error indicates that your permission level is insufficient. You must have a sufficient permission level to dismiss recommendations.
After you dismiss a recommendation, you must manually reactivate it before it is added in your list of recommendations. If you dismiss a recommendation, you may miss important advice that optimizes your Azure deployment.
This article provided an overview of how Advisor uses Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) to control user permissions and how to resolve common problems. To learn more about Advisor, see the following articles.