FHIR REST API capabilities for Azure API for FHIR


Azure API for FHIR will be retired on September 30, 2026. Follow the migration strategies to transition to Azure Health Data Services FHIR® service by that date. Due to the retirement of Azure API for FHIR, new deployments won't be allowed beginning April 1, 2025. Azure Health Data Services FHIR service is the evolved version of Azure API for FHIR that enables customers to manage FHIR, DICOM, and MedTech services with integrations into other Azure services.

In this article, we cover some of the nuances of the RESTful interactions of Azure API for FHIR.

Conditional create/update

Azure API for FHIR supports create, conditional create, update, and conditional update as defined by the FHIR specification. One useful header in these scenarios is the If-Match header. The If-Match header validates the version being updated before making the update. If the ETag doesn’t match the expected ETag, it produces the error message 412 Precondition Failed.

Delete and Conditional Delete

Azure API for FHIR offers two delete types. There's Delete, which is also know as Hard + Soft Delete, and Conditional Delete.

Delete can be performed for individual resource IDs or in bulk. To learn more on deleting resources in bulk, visit $bulk-delete operation.

Delete (Hard + Soft Delete)

Delete defined by the FHIR specification requires that after deleting a resource, subsequent nonversion specific reads of a resource returns a 410 HTTP status code. This means the resource is no longer found through searching. Additionally, Azure API for FHIR enables you to fully delete (including all history) the resource. To fully delete the resource, you can pass a parameter setting hardDelete set to true: (DELETE {{FHIR_URL}}/{resource}/{id}?hardDelete=true). If you don't pass this parameter or set hardDelete to false, the historic versions of the resource are still available.


If you only want to delete the history, Azure API for FHIR supports a custom operation called $purge-history. This operation allows you to delete the history off of a resource.

Conditional Delete

Conditional Delete allows you to pass search criteria to delete a resource. By default, the Conditional Delete allows you to delete one item at a time. You can also specify the _count parameter to delete up to 100 items at a time. The following are some examples of using Conditional Delete.

To delete a single item using Conditional Delete, you must specify search criteria that returns a single item.

DELETE https://{{FHIR_URL}}/Patient?identifier=1032704

You can do the same search but include hardDelete=true to also delete all history.

DELETE https://{{FHIR_URL}}/Patient?identifier=1032704&hardDelete=true

To delete multiple resources, include the _count=100 parameter. This parameter deletes up to 100 resources that match the search criteria.

DELETE https://{{FHIR_URL}}/Patient?identifier=1032704&_count=100

Recovery of deleted files

If you don't use the hard delete parameter, then the records in Azure API for FHIR should still exist. The records can be found by doing a history search on the resource and looking for the last version with data.

If the ID of the resource that was deleted is known, use the following URL pattern:


For example:


If the ID of the resource isn't known, do a history search on the entire resource type:


For example: https://myworkspace-myfhirserver.fhir.azurehealthcareapis.com/Patient/_history

After you find the record you want to restore, use the PUT operation to recreate the resource with the same ID, or use the POST operation to make a new resource with the same information.


There is no time-based expiration for history/soft delete data. The only way to remove history/soft deleted data is with a hard delete or the purge history operation.

Batch Bundles

In FHIR, bundles can be considered as a container that holds multiple resources. Batch bundles enable users to submit a set of actions to be performed on a server in a single HTTP request/response.

A batch bundle interaction with FHIR service is performed with the HTTP POST command at the base URL.

POST {{fhir_url}} 
  "resourceType": "Bundle", 
  "type": "batch", 
  "entry": [ 
      "resource": { 
        "resourceType": "Patient", 
        "id": "patient-1", 
        "name": [ 
            "given": ["Alice"], 
            "family": "Smith" 
        "gender": "female", 
        "birthDate": "1990-05-15" 
      "request": { 
        "method": "POST", 
        "url": "Patient" 
      "resource": { 
        "resourceType": "Patient", 
        "id": "patient-2", 
        "name": [ 
            "given": ["Bob"], 
            "family": "Johnson" 
        "gender": "male", 
        "birthDate": "1985-08-23" 
      "request": { 
        "method": "POST", 
        "url": "Patient" 

In the case of a batch, each entry is treated as an individual interaction or operation.


For batch bundles there should be no interdependencies between different entries in FHIR bundle. The success or failure of one entry should not impact the success or failure of another entry.

Batch bundle parallel processing

Currently batch bundles are executed serially in FHIR service. To improve performance and throughput, we're enabling parallel processing of batch bundles in public preview.
To use the capability of parallel batch bundle processing:

  • Set header 'x-bundle-processing-logic' value to 'parallel'.
  • Ensure there's no overlapping resource ID that is executing on DELETE, POST, PUT, or PATCH operations in the same bundle.

Patch and Conditional Patch

Patch is a valuable RESTful operation when you need to update only a portion of a FHIR resource. Using patch allows you to specify the elements that you want to update in the resource without having to update the entire record. FHIR defines three ways to Patch resources: JSON Patch, XML Patch, and FHIRPath Patch. The FHIR Service supports both JSON Patch and FHIRPath Patch, along with Conditional JSON Patch and Conditional FHIRPath Patch (which allows you to Patch a resource based on a search criteria instead of a resource ID). To walk through some examples, refer to the sample FHIRPath Patch REST file and the JSON Patch REST file for each approach. For additional details, read the HL7 documentation for patch operations with FHIR.


When using PATCH against STU3, and if you are requesting a History bundle, the patched resource's Bundle.entry.request.method is mapped to PUT. This is because STU3 doesn't contain a definition for the PATCH verb in the HTTPVerb value set.

Patch with FHIRPath Patch

This method of patch is the most powerful leveraging FHIRPath for selecting which element to target. One common scenario is using FHIRPath Patch to update an element in a list without knowing the order of the list. For example, if you want to delete a patient’s home telecom information without knowing the index, you can use the following example.

PATCH http://{FHIR-SERVICE-HOST-NAME}/Patient/{PatientID}
Content-type: application/fhir+json

    "resourceType": "Parameters",
    "parameter": [
            "name": "operation",
            "part": [
                    "name": "type",
                    "valueCode": "delete"
                    "name": "path",
                    "valueString": "Patient.telecom.where(use = 'home')"

Any FHIRPath Patch operations must have the application/fhir+json Content-Type header set. FHIRPatch Patch supports add, insert, delete, remove, and move operations. FHIRPatch Patch operations also can be easily integrated into Bundles. For more examples, look at the sample FHIRPath Patch REST file.

Patch with JSON Patch

JSON Patch in the FHIR Service conforms to the well-used specification defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force. The payload format does not use FHIR resources and instead uses a JSON document leveraging JSON-Pointers for element selection. JSON Patch is more compact and has a test operation that allows you to validate that a condition is true before doing the patch. For example, if you want to set a patient as deceased only if they're not already marked as deceased, you can use the following example.

PATCH http://{FHIR-SERVICE-HOST-NAME}/Patient/{PatientID}
Content-type: application/json-patch+json

		"op": "test",
		"path": "/deceasedBoolean",
		"value": false
		"op": "replace",
		"path": "/deceasedBoolean",
		"value": true

Any JSON Patch operations must have the application/json-patch+json Content-Type header set. JSON Patch supports add, remove, replace, copy, move, and test operations. For more examples, look at the sample JSON Patch REST file.

JSON Patch in Bundles

By default, JSON Patch isn't supported in Bundle resources. This is because a Bundle only supports FHIR resources and the JSON Patch payload isn't a FHIR resource. To work around this, use Binary resources with a Content-Type of "application/json-patch+json" and the base64 encoding of the JSON payload inside of a Bundle. For information about this workaround, view this article on the FHIR Chat Zulip.

In the following example, we want to change the gender on the patient to female. We've taken the JSON patch [{"op":"replace","path":"/gender","value":"female"}] and encoded it to base64.

Content-Type: application/json

	"resourceType": "Bundle",
	"id": "bundle-batch",
	"type": "batch",
	"entry": [
			"fullUrl": "Patient/{PatientID}",
			"resource": {
				"resourceType": "Binary",
				"contentType": "application/json-patch+json",
				"data": "W3sib3AiOiJyZXBsYWNlIiwicGF0aCI6Ii9nZW5kZXIiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImZlbWFsZSJ9XQ=="
			"request": { 
				"method": "PATCH",
				"url": "Patient/{PatientID}"

Performance consideration with Conditional operations

  1. Conditional interactions can be complex and performance-intensive. To enhance the latency of queries involving conditional interactions, you have the option to utilize the request header x-conditionalquery-processing-logic . Setting this header to parallel allows concurrent execution of queries with conditional interactions.
  2. When the x-ms-query-latency-over-efficiency header value is set to "true", all queries are executed using maximum supported parallelism, forcing the scan of physical partitions to be executed concurrently. This feature was designed for accounts with a high number of physical partitions. Such queries can take longer due to the number of physical segments that need to be scanned.

Next steps

In this article, you learned about some of the REST capabilities of Azure API for FHIR. Next, you can learn more about the key aspects to searching resources in FHIR.

(FHIR®) is a registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7.