Configure core MQTT broker settings


Azure IoT Operations Preview – enabled by Azure Arc is currently in preview. You shouldn't use this preview software in production environments.

You'll need to deploy a new Azure IoT Operations installation when a generally available release is made available. You won't be able to upgrade a preview installation.

See the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews for legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

The Broker resource is the main resource that defines the overall settings for MQTT broker. It also determines the number and type of pods that run the Broker configuration, such as the frontends and the backends. You can also use the Broker resource to configure its memory profile. Self-healing mechanisms are built in to the broker and it can often automatically recover from component failures. For example, a node fails in a Kubernetes cluster configured for high availability.

You can horizontally scale the MQTT broker by adding more frontend replicas and backend chains. The frontend replicas are responsible for accepting MQTT connections from clients and forwarding them to the backend chains. The backend chains are responsible for storing and delivering messages to the clients. The frontend pods distribute message traffic across the backend pods, and the backend redundancy factor determines the number of data copies to provide resiliency against node failures in the cluster.

For a list of the available settings, see the Broker API reference.

Configure scaling settings


At this time, the Broker resource can only be configured at initial deployment time using the Azure CLI, Portal or GitHub Action. A new deployment is required if Broker configuration changes are needed.

To configure the scaling settings MQTT broker, you need to specify the cardinality fields in the specification of the Broker custom resource. For more information on setting the mode and cardinality settings using Azure CLI, see az iot ops init.

The cardinality field is a nested field that has these subfields:

  • frontend: This subfield defines the settings for the frontend pods, such as:
    • replicas: The number of frontend pods to deploy. This subfield is required if the mode field is set to distributed.
    • workers: The number of workers to deploy per frontend, currently it must be set to 1. This subfield is required if the mode field is set to distributed.
  • backendChain: This subfield defines the settings for the backend chains, such as:
    • redundancyFactor: The number of data copies in each backend chain. This subfield is required if the mode field is set to distributed.
    • partitions: The number of partitions to deploy. This subfield is required if the mode field is set to distributed.
    • workers: The number of workers to deploy per backend, currently it must be set to 1. This subfield is required if the mode field is set to distributed.

If cardinality field is omitted, cardinality is determined by MQTT broker operator automatically deploys the appropriate number of pods based on the cluster hardware.

To configure the scaling settings MQTT broker, you need to specify the mode and cardinality fields in the specification of the Broker custom resource. For more information on setting the mode and cardinality settings using Azure CLI, see az iot ops init.

Configure memory profile


At this time, the Broker resource can only be configured at initial deployment time using the Azure CLI, Portal or GitHub Action. A new deployment is required if Broker configuration changes are needed.

To configure the memory profile settings MQTT broker, specify the memoryProfile fields in the spec of the Broker custom resource. For more information on setting the memory profile setting using Azure CLI, see az iot ops init.

memoryProfile: This subfield defines the settings for the memory profile. There are a few profiles for the memory usage you can choose:


When using this profile:

  • Maximum memory usage of each frontend replica is approximately 99 MiB but the actual maximum memory usage might be higher.
  • Maximum memory usage of each backend replica is approximately 102 MiB but the actual maximum memory usage might be higher.

Recommendations when using this profile:

  • Only one frontend should be used.
  • Clients shouldn't send large packets. You should only send packets smaller than 4 MiB.


When using this profile:

  • Maximum memory usage of each frontend replica is approximately 387 MiB but the actual maximum memory usage might be higher.
  • Maximum memory usage of each backend replica is approximately 390 MiB multiplied by the number of backend workers, but the actual maximum memory usage might be higher.

Recommendations when using this profile:

  • Only one or two frontends should be used.
  • Clients shouldn't send large packets. You should only send packets smaller than 10 MiB.


Medium is the default profile.

  • Maximum memory usage of each frontend replica is approximately 1.9 GiB but the actual maximum memory usage might be higher.
  • Maximum memory usage of each backend replica is approximately 1.5 GiB multiplied by the number of backend workers, but the actual maximum memory usage might be higher.


  • Maximum memory usage of each frontend replica is approximately 4.9 GiB but the actual maximum memory usage might be higher.
  • Maximum memory usage of each backend replica is approximately 5.8 GiB multiplied by the number of backend workers, but the actual maximum memory usage might be higher.

Default broker

By default, Azure IoT Operations Preview deploys a default Broker resource named default. It's deployed in the azure-iot-operations namespace with cardinality and memory profile settings as configured during the initial deployment with Azure portal or Azure CLI. To see the settings, run the following command:

kubectl get broker default -n azure-iot-operations -o yaml

Modify default broker by redeploying

Only cardinality and memory profile are configurable with Azure portal or Azure CLI during initial deployment. Other settings and can only be configured by modifying the YAML file and redeploying the broker.

To delete the default broker, run the following command:

kubectl delete broker default -n azure-iot-operations

Then, create a YAML file with desired settings. For example, the following YAML file configures the broker with name default in namespace azure-iot-operations with medium memory profile and distributed mode with two frontend replicas and two backend chains with two partitions and two workers each. Also, the encryption of internal traffic option is disabled.

kind: Broker
  name: default
  namespace: azure-iot-operations
  memoryProfile: medium
      partitions: 2
      redundancyFactor: 2
      workers: 2
      replicas: 2
      workers: 2
  encryptInternalTraffic: false

Then, run the following command to deploy the broker:

kubectl apply -f <path-to-yaml-file>

Configure MQTT broker advanced settings

The broker advanced settings include client configurations, encryption of internal traffic, and certificate rotations. For more information on the advanced settings, see the Broker API reference.

Here's an example of a Broker with advanced settings:

kind: Broker
  name: default
  namespace: azure-iot-operations
        maxSessionExpirySeconds: 282277
        maxMessageExpirySeconds: 1622
          length: 1000
          strategy: DropOldest
        maxReceiveMaximum: 15000
        maxKeepAliveSeconds: 300
    encryptInternalTraffic: Enabled
      duration: 240h
      renewBefore: 45m
        algorithm: Rsa2048
        rotationPolicy: Always

Configure MQTT broker diagnostic settings

Diagnostic settings allow you to enable metrics and tracing for MQTT broker.

  • Metrics provide information about the resource utilization and throughput of MQTT broker.
  • Tracing provides detailed information about the requests and responses handled by MQTT broker.

To override default diagnostic settings for MQTT broker, update the spec.diagnostics section in the Broker resource. Adjust the log level to control the amount and detail of information that is logged. The log level can be set for different components of MQTT broker. The default log level is info.

You can configure diagnostics using the Broker custom resource definition (CRD). For more information on the diagnostics settings, see the Broker API reference.

Here's an example of a Broker custom resource with metrics and tracing enabled and self-check disabled:

kind: Broker
  name: broker
  namespace: azure-iot-operations
      level: "debug"
        otlpGrpcEndpoint: "endpoint"
        otlpGrpcEndpoint: "endpoint"
        intervalSeconds: 60
      mode: Enabled
      intervalSeconds: 120
      timeoutSeconds: 60
      cacheSizeMegabytes: 32
      mode: Enabled
        otlpGrpcEndpoint: "endpoint"
        mode: Enabled
        intervalSeconds: 120
      spanChannelCapacity: 1000

Configure encryption of internal traffic


At this time, this feature can't be configured using the Azure CLI or Azure portal during initial deployment. To modify this setting, you need to modify the YAML file and redeploy the broker.

The encryptInternalTraffic feature is used to encrypt the internal traffic between the frontend and backend pods. To use this feature, cert-manager must be installed in the cluster, which is installed by default when using the Azure IoT Operations.

The benefits include:

  • Secure internal traffic: All internal traffic between the frontend and backend pods is encrypted.

  • Secure data at rest: All data at rest is encrypted.

  • Secure data in transit: All data in transit is encrypted.

  • Secure data in memory: All data in memory is encrypted.

  • Secure data in the message buffer: All data in the message buffer is encrypted.

  • Secure data in the message buffer on disk: All data in the message buffer on disk is encrypted.

By default, the encryptInternalTraffic feature is enabled. To disable the feature, set the encryptInternalTraffic field to false in the spec of the Broker custom resource when redeploying the broker.

Configure disk-backed message buffer behavior


At this time, this feature can't be configured using the Azure CLI or Azure portal during initial deployment. To modify this setting, you need to modify the YAML file and redeploy the broker.

The diskBackedMessageBufferSettings feature is used for efficient management of message queues within the MQTT broker distributed MQTT broker. The benefits include:

  • Efficient queue management: In an MQTT broker, each subscriber is associated with a message queue. The speed a subscriber processes messages directly impacts the size of the queue. If a subscriber processes messages slowly or if they disconnect but request an MQTT persistent session, the queue can grow larger than the available memory.

  • Data preservation for persistent sessions: The diskBackedMessageBufferSettings feature ensures that when a queue exceeds the available memory, it's seamlessly buffered to disk. This feature prevents data loss and supports MQTT persistent sessions, allowing subscribers to resume their sessions with their message queues intact upon reconnection. The disk is used as ephemeral storage and serves as a spillover from memory. Data written to disk isn't durable and is lost when the pod exits, but as long as at least one pod in each backend chain remains functional, the broker as a whole doesn't lose any data.

  • Handling connectivity challenges: Cloud connectors are treated as subscribers with persistent sessions that can face connectivity challenges when unable to communicate with external systems like Event Grid MQTT broker due to network disconnect. In such scenarios, messages (PUBLISHes) accumulate. The MQTT broker intelligently buffers these messages to memory or disk until connectivity is restored, ensuring message integrity.

Understanding and configuring the diskBackedMessageBufferSettings feature maintains a robust and reliable message queuing system. Proper configuration is important in scenarios where message processing speed and connectivity are critical factors.

Configuration options

Tailor the broker message buffer options by adjusting the following settings:

  • Configure the volume: Specify a persistent volume claim template to mount a dedicated storage volume for your message buffer.

    • Select a storage class: Define the desired StorageClass using the storageClassName property.

    • Define access modes: Determine the access modes you need for your volume. For more information, see persistent volume access modes.

Use the following sections to understand the different volume modes.

Ephemeral volume is the preferred option. Persistent volume is preferred next then emptyDir volume. Both persistent volume and ephemeral volume are generally provided by the same storage classes. If you have both options, choose ephemeral. However, ephemeral requires Kubernetes 1.23 or higher.


If you don't want to use the disk-backed message buffer, don't include the diskBackedMessageBufferSettings property in your Broker CRD.

Ephemeral volume

Ephemeral volume is the preferred option for your message buffer.

For ephemeral volume, follow the advice in the Considerations for storage providers section.

The value of the ephemeralVolumeClaimSpec property is used as the ephemeral.volumeClaimTemplate.spec property of the volume in the StatefulSet specs of the backend chains.

For example, to use an ephemeral volume with a capacity of 1 gigabyte, specify the following parameters in your Broker CRD:

  maxSize: "1G"
    storageClassName: "foo"
    - "ReadWriteOnce"

Persistent volume

Persistent volume is the next preferred option for your message buffer after ephemeral volume.

For persistent volume, follow the advice in Considerations for storage providers section.

The value of the persistentVolumeClaimSpec property is used as the volumeClaimTemplates.spec property of the StatefulSet specs of the backend chains.

For example, to use a persistent volume with a capacity of 1 gigabyte, specify the following parameters in your Broker CRD:

  maxSize: "1G"
    storageClassName: "foo"
    - "ReadWriteOnce"

emptyDir volume

Use an emptyDir volume. An emptyDir volume is the next preferred option after persistent volume.

Only use emptyDir volume when using a cluster with filesystem quotas. For more information, see details in the Filesystem project quota tab. If the feature isn't enabled, the cluster does periodic scanning that doesn't enforce any limit and allows the host node to fill disk space and mark the whole host node as unhealthy.

For example, to use an emptyDir volume with a capacity of 1 gigabyte, specify the following parameters in your Broker CRD:

        maxSize: "1G"

Considerations for storage providers

Consider the behavior of your chosen storage provider. For example, when using providers like If the provider doesn't support limits, filling up the volume consumes the node's disk space. This could lead to Kubernetes marking the node and all associated pods as unhealthy. It's crucial to understand how your storage provider behaves in such scenarios.


It's important to understand that the diskBackedMessageBufferSettings feature isn't synonymous with persistence. In this context, persistence refers to data that survives across pod restarts. However, this feature provides temporary storage space for data to be saved to disk, preventing memory overflows and data loss during pod restarts.