Configure and manage Microsoft Defender Antivirus with the mpcmdrun.exe command-line tool

Applies to:


  • Windows

You can perform various functions in Microsoft Defender Antivirus using the dedicated command-line tool mpcmdrun.exe. This utility is useful when you want to automate Microsoft Defender Antivirus tasks. You can find the utility in %ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe. Run it from a command prompt.


You might need to open an administrator-level version of the command prompt. When you search for Command Prompt on the Start menu, choose Run as administrator. If you're running an updated Microsoft Defender antimalware platform version, run MpCmdRun from the following location: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\<antimalware platform version>. For more information about the antimalware platform, see Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates and baselines.

The MpCmdRun utility uses the following syntax:

MpCmdRun.exe [command] [-options]

Here's an example:

MpCmdRun.exe -Scan -ScanType 2

In our example, the MpCmdRun utility starts a full antivirus scan on the device.


Command Description
-? or -h Displays all available options for the MpCmdRun tool.
-Scan [-ScanType [<value>]] [-File <path> [-DisableRemediation] [-BootSectorScan] [-CpuThrottling]] [-Timeout <days>] [-Cancel] Scans for malicious software. Values for ScanType are:

0 Default, according to your configuration

1 Quick scan

2 Full scan

3 File and directory custom scan.

CpuThrottling runs according to policy configurations.

-Trace [-Grouping #] [-Level #] Starts diagnostic tracing.
-CaptureNetworkTrace -Path <path> Captures all the network input into the Network Protection service and saves it to a file at <path>.
Supply an empty path to stop tracing.
-GetFiles [-SupportLogLocation <path>] Collects support information. See collecting diagnostic data.
-GetFilesDiagTrack Same as -GetFiles, but outputs to temporary DiagTrack folder.
-RemoveDefinitions [-All] Restores the installed security intelligence to a previous backup copy or to the original default set.
-RemoveDefinitions [-DynamicSignatures] Removes only the dynamically downloaded security intelligence.
-RemoveDefinitions [-Engine] Restores the previous installed engine.
-SignatureUpdate [-UNC |-MMPC] Checks for new security intelligence updates.
-Restore [-ListAll |[[-Name <name>] [-All] |[-FilePath <filePath>]] [-Path <path>]] Restores or lists quarantined items.
-AddDynamicSignature [-Path] Loads dynamic security intelligence.
-ListAllDynamicSignatures Lists the loaded dynamic security intelligence.
-RemoveDynamicSignature [-SignatureSetID] Removes dynamic security intelligence.
-CheckExclusion -path <path> Checks whether a path is excluded.
-TDT [-on|-off|-default] Disable or Enable TDT feature or sets it to default. If no option is specified, it retrieves the current status.
-OSCA Prints OS Copy Acceleration feature status.
-DeviceControl -TestPolicyXml <FilePath> [-Rules | -Groups] Validate xml policy groups and rules.
-TrustCheck -File <FilePath> Checks trust status of a file.
-ValidateMapsConnection Verifies that your network can communicate with the Microsoft Defender Antivirus cloud service. This command will only work on Windows 10, version 1703 or higher.
-ListCustomASR List the custom Azure Site Recovery rules present on this device.
-DisplayECSConnection Displays URLs that Defender Core service uses to establish connection to ECS.
-HeapSnapshotConfig <-Enable|-Disable> [-Pid <ProcessID>] Enable or Disable heap snapshot (tracing) configuration for process. Replace <ProcessID> with the actual process ID.
-ResetPlatform Reset platform binaries back to %ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender.
-RevertPlatform Revert platform binaries back to the previously installed version of the Defender platform.


For the Scan command, the following are the default time out values for Quick or Full scans where the scan will stop at that time by default.

  • Scheduled Full Scans or MpCmdRun -scan: Seven day limit
  • Scheduled Quick Scans or MpCmdRun -scan: One day limit

Common errors in running commands via mpcmdrun.exe

The following table lists common errors that can occur while using the MpCmdRun tool.

Error message Possible reason
ValidateMapsConnection failed (800106BA) or 0x800106BA The Microsoft Defender Antivirus service is disabled. Enable the service and try again. If you need help re-enabling Microsoft Defender Antivirus, see Reinstall/enable Microsoft Defender Antivirus on your endpoints.

In Windows 10 1909 or older, and Windows Server 2019 or older, the service was formerly called Windows Defender Antivirus.

0x80070667 You're running the -ValidateMapsConnection command from a computer that is Windows 10 version 1607 or older, or Windows Server 2016 or older. Run the command from a machine that is Windows 10 version 1703 or newer, or Windows Server 2019 or newer.
MpCmdRun is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. The tool must be run from either %ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender or C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\4.18.2012.4-0 (where 2012.4-0 might differ since platform updates are monthly except for March)
ValidateMapsConnection failed to establish a connection to MAPS (hr=80070005 httpcode=450) The command was attempted using insufficient privileges. Use the command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
ValidateMapsConnection failed to establish a connection to MAPS (hr=80070006 httpcode=451) The firewall is blocking the connection or conducting SSL inspection.
ValidateMapsConnection failed to establish a connection to MAPS (hr=80004005 httpcode=450) Possible network-related issues, like name resolution problems
ValidateMapsConnection failed to establish a connection to MAPS (hr=0x80508015 The firewall is blocking the connection or conducting SSL inspection.
ValidateMapsConnection failed to establish a connection to MAPS (hr=800722F0D The firewall is blocking the connection or conducting SSL inspection.
ValidateMapsConnection failed to establish a connection to MAPS (hr=80072EE7 httpcode=451) The firewall is blocking the connection or conducting SSL inspection.

See also


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