ICorDebugRegisterSet::GetRegisters Method

Gets the value of each register (on the computer that is currently executing code) that is specified by the bit mask.


HRESULT GetRegisters (
    [in] ULONG64       mask,
    [in] ULONG32       regCount,
    [out, size_is(regCount), length_is(regCount)]
        CORDB_REGISTER regBuffer[]


mask [in] A bit mask that specifies which register values are to be retrieved. Each bit corresponds to a register. If a bit is set to one, the register's value is retrieved; otherwise, the register's value is not retrieved.

regCount [in] The number of register values to be retrieved.

regBuffer [out] An array of CORDB_REGISTER objects, each of which receives a value of a register.


The size of the array should be equal to the number of bits set to one in the bit mask. The regCount parameter specifies the number of elements in the buffer that will receive the register values. If the regCount value is too small for the number of registers indicated by the mask, the higher numbered registers will be truncated from the set. If the regCount value is too large, the unused regBuffer elements will be unmodified.

If the bit mask specifies a register that is unavailable, GetRegisters returns an indeterminate value for that register.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 1.0

See also