Dataverse entities used in historical and real-time analytics


The feature availability information is as follows.

Dynamics 365 Contact Center—embedded Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone Dynamics 365 Customer Service
No Yes Yes


Case information is applicable to Customer Service only.

The article describes the Dataverse entities used in historical and real-time analytics.

Entities used in historical analytics

  • msfp_question
  • msfp_questionresponse
  • msfp_surveyresponse
  • organization
  • appmodule
  • systemuser
  • queue msdyn_conversationtopic
  • msdyn_conversationtopic_conversation
  • msdyn_ocliveworkitem
  • msdyn_ocliveworkitemsentiment
  • msdyn_ocsession
  • msdyn_ocsessionsentiment
  • msdyn_sessionparticipant
  • msdyn_transcript
  • systemuserroles
  • msdyn_agentstatushistory
  • annotation
  • queuemembership
  • msdyn_personasecurityrolemapping
  • role
  • msdyn_presence
  • msdyn_liveworkstream
  • msdyn_conversationtopicsetting
  • account
  • msdyn_conversationinsight
  • msdyn_ocsessionparticipantevent
  • incident
  • subject
  • incidentresolution
  • msdyn_casetopic
  • msdyn_casetopic_incident
  • msdyn_casetopicsetting
  • queueitem
  • bot
  • msdyn_botsession
  • msdyn_ocvoicemail
  • queueitem
  • msdyn_copilotinteraction
  • email

Entities used in real-time analytics

  • queuemembership
  • queue
  • msdyn_agentcapacityprofileunit
  • msdyn_capacityprofile
  • msdyn_presence
  • msdyn_agentstatus
  • systemuser
  • msdyn_liveworkstream
  • msdyn_ocliveworkitem
  • msdyn_agentstatushistory
  • msdyn_ocsession
  • msdyn_sessionparticipant
  • msdyn_conversationmessageblock
  • ratingvalue
  • characteristic
  • bookableresource
  • bookableresourcecharacteristic
  • msdyn_ocliveworkitemcharacteristic
  • choiceLabel (new entity for option set in real-time)

Next steps

Use the out-of-the-box data model in your custom reports
Customize data models of historical and real-time analytics reports