Work assignment overview

Work assignment is a feature of Dynamics 365 Sales that automates the assignment of leads, opportunities, and insights to your sales team. Easily create segments to group and prioritize new or updated leads and opportunities. Connect segments to sequences of activities to guide sellers through your sales process. Finally, create rules to automatically assign records to sellers, freeing your time for more productive work.

Work assignment is available in sales accelerator version 9.1.23074.10021 and is rolling out in phases in different regions.

License and role requirements

Requirement type You must have
License Dynamics 365 Sales Premium, Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise, or Microsoft Relationship Sales
Security roles System Administrator, Sequence Manager, or Sales Manager


Sales accelerator is configured in your organization.

Work assignment components

Work assignment automation is built around three components: segments, sequences, and assignment rules.

  • Segments categorize records based on specific criteria, such as location and source. For example, you might have a segment for leads from trade shows in India.
  • Sequences are the steps that sellers follow as they progress through the sales journey. Defined sequences help new sellers be more effective faster. They make sure your entire sales team—from the most junior salesperson to veteran sellers—is on the same page.
    Segments connect records to sequences. For example, your sales process might be something like this: "If a lead comes from a trade show in the UK" (segment), always "follow up with an email within three business days" (sequence).
  • Assignment rules are sets of conditions that automatically assign matching records to sellers or sales teams. You can create assignment rules for opportunities, leads, and insights.
    For example, you might have a rule that assigns all leads from trade shows in the UK to your London sales team.

Can't find the options in your app?

There are three possibilities:

  • You don't have the necessary license or role. Check the License and role requirements section at the top of this page.
  • Your administrator hasn't turned on the feature.
  • Your organization is using a custom app. Check with your administrator for exact steps. The steps described in this article are specific to the out-of-the-box Sales Hub and Sales Professional apps.

Next step

Configure work assignment.

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